Why Babies?

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Erin's point of view

I wake up to cries filling the room. I groan and walk over to the crib, picking up Clara.

"Shhh," I rock her back and forth.

"What's up with the kid?" Dean's voice suddenly booms from behind me.

I jump and gasp, turning to punch him in the arm. "You scared the crap out of me," I silently shout.

He chuckles. "Where's Cas?"

"Probably out walking, like he normally does at night," I answer.

"Yeah, doesn't it bother you that he doesn't even sleep? Like how will that work out in your relationship?" He chuckles.

I laugh, not loud enough to make Clara cry again, "Why do you care?"

He shrugs, "Just wondering, because I know for sure it bothers me."

"What are you guys doing?" Sam groans.

"The baby woke us up," I answer.

"Well shut up, it's two in the morning," he falls back in the bed.

I giggle to myself at Sam's messed up hair. Dean walks into the kitchen and grabs a water while I stay with Clara for a few moments, trying to rock her back to sleep. Suddenly I hear the voice again. "Erin."

I look up and turn quickly around the room, looking for what said it.

"Who's there?" I whisper. No response. I shrug it off and place Clara back in the bed and crawl back to sleep.


"Erin," I hear Cas say.

"What," I groan.

"I appologize for waking you, but Sam and Dean say it's time to go."

"Ugh." I get out of bed and fix my face and hair, trying to make myself look decent in case we stop anywhere.

"Where are we going exactly?" I ask Cas as I make my way to grab a gronola bar from Sam's bag.

"Dean found another case somewhere in Illinois," he answers as he picks up Clara from the crib.

I take a bite of my gronola and nod.

"Ready to go?" Dean says loudly as he steps in the door.

"Sure, but can you not be so loud? Clara is still sleeping," I say.

He sighs and walks out the door. I help Cas get our stuff and pack it in the trunk and we all pile in the car. I had to have a ten minute argument with Dean about the radio because he couldn't accept it would be too loud for the baby.

"What's the case anyway?" I ask once the argument was settled.

"Well there are signs of missing babies in a small town in Virginia. We aren't sure what it is but it started out in other places but slowly progressed there," Sam answers.

"Why babies?" I ask.

"We won't know until we get there," Sam sighs as if it was a stupid question.

I roll my eyes to myself. "You don't have to have an attitude."

There was a long silence and I regretted winning the argument of keeping the radio off. My eyes soon got heavy and I lean my head against the window, falling asleep.

It was cold. I felt alone, like I felt after my mother died. I turn to see nothing but blackness at every corner.

"Erin," A whisper came from behind me. I turn to see no one there.

"W-who are y-you?"

"Erin, you can't go to Illinois, there is great danger."

"What do you mean, who are you!"

"Don't go.." The voice fades.

It can't be.. She's dead... She can't come back.. I thought she was gone forever..

I resume looking for any sign of life or movement but nothing.  Moments pass and there wasn't anything until a light showed in front of me. I squint at the sudden brightness and start walking toward it. I reach my hand out and touch it and a sudden vision pulses through me.

My baby. Crying. In the hands of someone. A man. A fairly short man. I can't see his face but he has my baby.

Dean is knocked out on the floor, so is Sam but on the other side of the room. Cas and I are stationed in the middle of the room. Cas stands there with such a terrified look on his face while I was pleading for the man to give Clara back but he...


I gasp and look frantically around the car to see Sam hovering over me from his seat.

"Are you okay? You've been freaking out back there in your sleep," Sam says.

"Uh- oh yeah, I'm just.. I'm fine."

He raises and eyebrow and turns back in his seat. I sigh and rub my eyes furiously.

Should I go?

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