Chapter 8

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I wake up while Allison is still asleep beside me. While I look at her for a while how peaceful she looks, I never want to leave her side. But there were some things that had to be settled.

Walking out of the bedroom quietly after throwing on jeans and a t-shirt. I grabbed the bag by the front door that included some of my weapons. I through over my shoulder and walked out of the hotel. Hopefully by the time I get back she'll still be asleep.

I walked to the coffee shop with my hands in my pocket. Since I was ready to kill someone I tried to not let my it show in my face. Crossing the street I saw the inside of the coffee shop as I was walking toward it. When I was just outside the door I opened it then walked inside. The man wasn't there but there was a woman working today.

"Hello, how may I help you?" She asked with excitement in her tone.

"I'm not here for coffee or anything I was just actually wondering if there is a man in the back that worked here as chasier yesterday. Can I speak with him?" I asked with a calm tone.

"Oh, well he just left like a couple of seconds ago I sorry-"

With that I left as she didn't get to finish her meaningless sentence. I walked to the back of the coffee shop and saw someone get in their car. I walked closer and noticed it was him. Grabbing my bag I immediately took out my gun and walked to the window.

"Sit tight." I cocked the end of my gun at his temple and he knocked out. I looked around then put the gun back in my bag and opened the door. He didn't look he'd be that heavy so I grabbed him and put him on the ground then opened the back door and picked him back up putting him in the back seat. I sighed then walked to the driver's seat and took off.


The man slowly woke up with his head resting on his shoulder. As his eyes opened he shot me a scared look as he jumped in his seat. He looked at his hands tapped to the chair and his legs tapped to the legs of the chair.

"What is this?" He asked in anger.

"You think I'm stupid don't you?" I asked holding my Glock in my hand sitting in front of him.

"I think you're out of your mind kidnapping me! Where are we!" He shouted clenching his fists.

"Who do you work for?" I asked cocking my gun.

"You think you can scare me? I know who you are Mitch Rapp. The great Assassin who goes around killing. You don't scare me." The man said with a smile upon his face.

I had it with him and I aimed my gun at the man's knee and pulled the trigger.

The man shouted out in pain.

"Now, tell me who you work for or are you still going to play games because really you're boring me." I stated testing him.

The man winced in pain but started laughing. He threw his back laughing some more. I had it and punched the man in the throat. He started to choke and let out some breaths trying to regain his breathing.

"Fuck." The man whispered. He coughed a couple more times.

"Now tell me who the fuck you are working for!" I shouted.

"You are-" he said between breaths, "fucking with the wrong person Mitch." He let out. "He should be there any minute now while you are wasting your breath with me." He looked up facing Mitch. "He's got her. Ghost is here and he has the Presidents DAUGHTER WHILE YOU WENT OUT TO PLAY INTERROGATION!" The man shouted on the top of his lungs.

I was surprised. I tried not to let it show but it did.

"Huh... I thought you were smarter than that Rapp. Turns out the President gave his daughter to the wrong hands." With that I shot him in the head and his brain splattered on the wall behind him.

I quickly left the scene and took the man's car driving to the hotel. I parked outside than ran up the stairs. I flung open the door.

"Allison!" I shouted. There was no response. I ran to the bathroom and she wasn't there. The bedroom was empty. No sign of her in the living room or kitchen. "Allison!" I checked the closet and all of her stuff was still there. I started to panic. I reached my phone and dialed her number. I heard her phone start ringing and when I turned around it was on the desk. Ghost must've just took her and leave everything behind. I had to get Irene and Stan on this before the President finds out. I dialed a private line to Irene.

"Mitch, what is it?"

"Ghost was here in Italy he knew we were coming he took Allison."


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