"Kacchan were already breaking the rules by being here at night! If you want to fight me then please, wait until hero class where we can fight each other as much as we want!" Katsuki growls

"You think I have time to wait for that?!"

"Yes!" Izuku screams,

"Fuck- just fight me you piece of shit!" Katsuki said, jumping at him, he aims down wards, Izuku encases himself in a cave of ice, blocking the explosion

"Kacchan please! I don't want you to get in trouble-" Izuku yelped as Katsuki started to repeatedly blow his ice cavern, he punched himself out and jumped back as the ice cavern was broken up, its shard getting every where, he hardened his arm and shielded himself with it, when he finally can see clearly again, Katsuki kicked him in the stomach, he gasped as he was sent skidding backwards, his eyes widen when he noticed that Katsuki was grazed every where

The ice shards cut him, he's easier to take care of now, his attacks should be more preventable now that pain is interfering with his instincts

You're gonna help me stop Kacchan?

"Fucking Deku! Stop running away and fight me!"

You can just copy his quirk and make him even weaker

I can't do that, I can't defeat Kacchan with his quirk

It's more practical, he'd be drained and won't be able to use his quirk to the full potential

Do you know how much of a blow to his ego it will be if he gets defeated by his own power?

"Stop thinking about me! Think about yourself you stupid Deku!" He screams

I don't want to do this

You have to It's the most practical way-

I don't want to, I don't want to fight I don't want to hurt I want to save-

Katsuki launches himself up in the air before propelling himself downwards to Izuku with his explosions, Izuku dodged but Katsuki blast himself to close distance before punching him, Izuku tries to block him but misses and was sent backwards

If you really want you can end this right now, you can use All for One safely up to 35 percent

I don't want to hurt Kacchan

You'll be the one getting hurt

I'm strong

"Are you still looking down on me huh?! Hit me as hard as you can you piece of shit!"

Katsuki is strong too


Izuku grits his teeth before finally making his mind up, he lunges at Katsuki finally and hovers his hand just a few inches off Katsuki's face before exploding

Katsuki yelps as he was sent backwards, Izuku lunged at him again, firing up one for all before pinning the blonde down, power coursing through his veins, he freezes both of Katsuki's hand with Shoto's quirk and uses Hyorei's extreme liquid manipulation to make sure Katsuki's sweat is freezing cold and therefore useless

"Kacchan... please, I don't want to fight anymore, let's go back to the dorms, we'll get in trouble"

"...Did you really wait this long just to show me that you could've ended the match any time you would've wanted?"

"W-What?" Izuku's eyes widened, Katsuki refused to look at him

"You could've done this at the beginning, atleast I didn't have to know that I was fighting a losing battle" Izuku frowned

"I... my quirk is-"

"Yours, I heard from that half and half bastard that you think it's cheating to use that, it's not, it's your power isn't it?"

"If I'm useless without it then I shouldn't have it"

"You did pretty well before you had that, it's fucking fine"

"You think so Kacchan?" The blonde huffs, Izuku carefully gets off him

"Let's go back already Kacchan, Mirio senpai and Aizawa-sensei is probably looking for me, or us, depends whether or not they found out about this"

Katsuki was quiet as he stood up

"It's late Kacchan, the last stop of the train is probably happened already, let's go back, you're injured right?" Izuku fires up recovery girls quirk and kisses the top of Katsuki's forehead, he felt extremely tired afterwards

"Stupid Deku, come here" the blonde said, scooping up Izuku in his arms


"Shut up, I'll take care of everything, just shut up" Izuku nods and falls to sleep

//I'm pumped I was supposed to post this tomorrow but KJKFRJENRFEJOIO IMMPUMPED

Relive your memories ( bnha fanfic ) ( Kinda DekuBowl ) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin