Chapter 4

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Author's Note: Chapter 4 is finally here! It's pretty intense. Oh and Brigitte and I have decided that Zayn is single here (obviously) and Louis still has Eleanor. And Liam and Danielle are going through a phase. No worries! We totally ship Daniam! Just for the sake of our fanfic. ENJOY!


Brigitte's POV

So me & Melissa held our backstage passes tight, making sure not to drop them. We were like ninjas. I laughed at the thought because we didn't want to get caught by other fans. We already got a tad hate from being serenaded. We find the door on the side, then see a security guard. I show him my pass & Melissa shows him hers. He said, "Go ahead." While smiling. Friendly fella. We go in. Coincidence, how me & Melissa stop & look at each other. "i hope we don't embarrass ourselves or say the wrong thing, do you think we'll spend the day with them or is it a hi & bye thing", Melissa asks me curiously. " i honestly don't know, they can do what they want. I hope were not those girls that just hit & run. Get me? Lets just do this, were thinking too much. " i say to her.

Melissa's POV

Me & Brigitte kept walking, trying to find our way. It was a pretty long hallway. Brigitte dropped her pass, she stopped & i didn't realize she stopped. I look behind me & there she was, picking up the pass. She got up & ran to me. We keep walking. This hall was endless. Oh my goodness! "i think there was a door over there. We passed it." Brigitte's says. My face expression -____- ; are you kidding?" i say. Then we turned around & continued walking. We both heard a noise. We both jumped, i held onto Brigitte. Another noise on the left, i screamed a little. I held onto Brigitte with a tight grip, she's more of a person to fight, not me.

Brigitte's POV

Melissa grip got tighter & tighter. I hear it too, there are noises coming everywhere. Then suddenly the lights turned off. Okay, this isn't funny. Melissa let out a scream. She held me even tighter now. "Melissa.. I cant... Breathe." i say struggling. "Sorry! But hold my hand I'm scared for my life & i don't want to lose you, its dark & we don't know this place."  "its going to be fine, here." as i take out my phone, go to my flashlight app. And there's no signal.. "what is it?" Melissa worried. "there's no signal" i say. "i don't think i could handle being in a scary movie" she says. I laugh. She tried to make a joke, while were in a bad situation. 

Melissa's POV

I am literally going to pee in my pants! The freaking lights turned off, is there a killer in here.. I read about this once... A killer came in a movie theatre & shot random people. This is an arena not a theatre but still. Its possible. "Hey, stay here. Don't move! I'm going to use the light in my phone to find a way out. Use this." Brigitte says handing me a belt that she used for her skirt. "WHAT?! Brigitte! Noo!" i say terrified. "Hey, you're going to be fine, we need to find a way out, what if something bad is going on? I'm going to look, i don't want you in trouble so stay here. If someone comes up to you, hit them with a belt as hard as you can & run! Okay. I'll be back." she tells me. Then she walked away.

Brigitte's POV

I need to find a way out, what if something bad is going on? I need to save me & Melissa. I keep on walking. Then I felt hands on my shoulders. The person goes, "boo!" I screamed! I turned around, slapped the person's face, hit him in the balls. He looked like a guy. I ran. Crap! Melissa might be in trouble. "Brigitte!" i hear the man's voice say. That voice sounded familiar. "harry?" i say. "yes it me harry don't hit me again!" he says it while he sounds in pain. "what the hell was that for?!" i say as i slap him in the arm. " okay that was the last one promise." i assure him. " Me & boys wanted to scare you guys, the security guard told us you were in. So we wanted to scare you & Melissa. So we made like cracking noises & turned off the light." he says. "oh my gosh! Harry, i thought there was a killer over here!" i say as i help him up. He laughs, "No! No killer. Just me & the lads. But damn Brigitte you have a good hit, you hit my balls pretty hard & slapped my face pretty hard too." "Ohh, I'm so sorry. Well that's what you get for scaring us. And speaking of the boys where are they?" I say. "well actually Li-" he says, but he gets cut off. Then all of the sudden i feel a pair of hands on my eyes. I kick them in the gut and screamed, "Put me down!" i say. "Woah! Brigitte calm down, calm down! Its Liam!" harry said. "Liam i am going to hurt you!" i say. "sorry, i didn't mean too, the guys thought it was a good plan." he says as he puts me down. He held his stomach. "Ohhh! I'm sorry," I rubbed his tummy. "Better?" I laugh. "Yes much better!" Liam says. "Hey what about me?! I'm the one that got hit in the balls, slapped on the face, & slapped on the arm, which REALLY hurt!" he says, with a pleading look. "she did all that?!" Liam said. "Yes she did! It hurt." harry says. "guilty" i say. I hug him. "that's it? I get no rub on my arm or nothing just a hug, no kiss on the cheek. Nothing?..." harry says. I am shocked, i didn't know he wanted comforting for me especially. With that look on his face, i kind of knew that he kind of wanted me. I smiled at him & kiss every piece of his face that i slapped, i kiss his tummy, & i kissed his arm. "better?" I say to him. "Much, much better." he says smiling, flashing his dimples. Which is my weakness. 

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