3.3 --- Motherhugging Mercutio the Mellifluous

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There was a slightly increased level of clatter and noise from downstairs, one that Romeo immediately picked up on. He heard his mother queerying someone, and a servant answering in a low voice. There was a pause, and then there were big, bad footsteps on the stairs.

He moved to stand with his back against the door to keep it shut. There was a knock.

"Who the hell is it?"

There was a deep sigh before the answer came. "It's... it's 'Cutio. Please, bruh, let me in."

Romeo's back loosened a bit against the door. "Why the hell should I?"

"Please. Romeo. I'm your friend." He felt a thud as Mercutio leant his head against the wall. "I know, I freaked us both out, but c'mon, man?"

Romeo dug his nails into his hand. "Yeah, overstatement, bruh." He'd got that wrong, but never mind. "You're not exactly my friend anymore. You'd rather be bedbuddies.

"Look, what's the worst thing that could happen if you let me in?"

He couldn't think of anything, but he still felt like he shouldn't. He clenched his jaw, tight, wound up.


That word did it for Romeo. He turned around and - slowly, hesitantly - opened the door. He was standing outside, ruffled round the edges. He was still too flipping beautiful.

Why was he noticing that?

Romeo stepped back with curt force, and Mercutio walked in. His shoulders hung low, ashamed. He stood in the middle of the room, not sure where precisely to sit.

"So. What the frick frack diddly dack patty wack snick snack-"

Mercutio rolled his eyes, but he couldn't keep it up for long. "Dude. To the point."

Romeo folded his arms and pouted. "Fine. As I was trying to say, the who the what the why the when the where are you doing here?"

He sat down on the bed, and Romeo couldn't help thinking of his old hunting dog puppy when he was telling it off. "What do you think? I want to say sorry."

"Why, bruh?"

"I did just kind of say it. And then kill your boyfriend. And then, you know, expect you to be fine with it."

"Yeah, you motherhugging did."

Mercutio blinked at him. "Motherhugging?"

"Just go with it."

He accepted his fate. "Ok. Well, anyway. Sorry for, you know, all that stuff."

Romeo could hear a breeze outside. It was really loud. It wasn't quite wind, it was just a loud breeze. "You already said sorry, didn't you?"

Mercutio tried to understand, then just hit the bed with his fist in a fit of mild frustration. "Yeah, I- dammit, Romy."

He tilted his head and pursed his lips, although that only got his hair in his eyes. He brushed it out of the way. "Wait, so we're doing actual nicknames now? Since flippeting when did you call me Romy?"

Mercutio blushed. "I always did, didn't I?... well, in my stupid head, at least."

Romeo remembered he was meant to be pissed off with Mercutio. He had made him forget about what had happened earlier. Trust him to give Romeo the attention span of a stereotypical goldfish. "Wow. Sure did ask my permission and all that shit."

He stood up, nearly stamping his heel on the floor. He checked himself just in time, and there was only a light thud as he rested his foot again. "Oh come on, bruh, you're seriously complaining about what happened in my own head? It was private! I've said sorry! What more do you want!"

Romeo took an angry step towards him, tendons tight and taught like string. "I want you to fuck off! What more do you want?"

Mercutio jutted out his jaw. "I want you to stop being a douche and listen to me!" He stepped forwards himself.

Romeo's eyebrows raised of their own accord. He felt like he could to anything. At last he was doing something, instead of pining away at someone who barely even cared about him. "Make me."

"Are you sure?"

Romeo nodded, mute.

Mercutio simply took yet another step forwards and kissed him.

It was a short kiss, and they both pulled away quickly. Mercutio's eyes were two inches away.

Romeo didn't know what to think or what to do or how to act - brush it off, get annoyed, so many options, it's so hard to pick. They're all so hideously deformed, I slipped a GBBO meme in there I'm so sorry. Barely an hour ago he had been finding out that his best friend loved him. Now they were kissing when Romeo didn't even know what he felt? Even he knew that was a recipe for a potential yet very tangible disaster.

"That... that was a lot."

Mercutio grinned in a way that Romeo wasn't sure what he meant by it. "Sweetie, I'm just getting... your right. Sorry. Again."

Romeo smiled ruefully to himself. "Yeah. Look, bruh, I've had an hour to sort all of this out, can you... can we take it slow?"

"Like what?"

"Like taking a fricking step back for starters." Mercutio did so. "And... I dunno, maybe just... hand holding? You feel me?"

Mercutio nodded. "Ok. I can do that. Listen, you gotta help me bury a body. Well, two."

Their grins slipped like snakes off their faces.

They had only been pondering the thought for a few seconds when there was a shout from outside.


I swear I meant to update that sooner than I did. I'm sorry. School and homework and the need for sleep and generally existing kinda got in the way, so I'm really sorry for anyone who was waiting on me. Thanks for not completely hating on me though :)!

In other news, in *checks school's online calendar* exactly two weeks I'm going on an exchange trip to *drum roll* the US! Bearing in mind I've never been outside of Europe, and that I've been waiting for six months now, this makes me just a little bit excited.

Also, the catch with finally studying stuff that you want to in school does mean that you get a lot more homework. Which sucks. And I'm only in year 10 (grade 9, if you dunno). Plus I'm still not used to saying year 10 rather than year nine xD.

*Hands out free pride flags/capes because hells yeah, capes should be in fashion again*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2018 ⏰

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I love my dead gay son - Romeo and Juliet AUWhere stories live. Discover now