Part 32: A wild goose chase

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I couldn't believe I let this happen again. Toni was taken but not from the Wyrm but my own home. I rang all the serpents and drove to the Wyrm as fast as I could when everyone turned up I explained to them what had happened and they were all shocked. "Ok Cheryl can you explain what happened today? What did you do?" FP asked. "Well I was angry at my wedding planner because she made a move on Toni so I went around to her house and shook her up a bit. She told me she was sorry but she would be pressing charges. I got back to Thistlehouse and I was arrested but let go on caution then we had a knock at the door. Toni answered and that's when she was dragged away" They looked at me. "What?" "Is it possible it could be the wedding planner that is doing this?" Jughead asked. "Maybe but I wouldn't even know where to start" "How about her house" We all ran out and drove to her house.

It was the longest drive ever. I had Jughead, Sweet Pea and Fangs in my car. "Right guys if she is in then please be nice you don't know what she might be capable of" We got out of the car and knocked on her door but there was no answer so we broke in. "okay guys be quick and search for and clues as to where she might of taken Toni" We were searching for 10 minutes before we came up to a note which read You must be aware that your little precious serpent has gone and that means you broke into my house, this will teach you to assault me again. If you want to find your queen alive go to where wifey proposed "Oh god we need to get to the school as quick as possible" We jumped in our vehicles and headed for Riverdale High and since it was night it was locked so it looks like we will have to break in again. We pulled up 10 minutes later and exited the cars. "Right so how the hell do we get in there without being arrested?" I asked. "Well when I was homeless I lived here for a while. There is a back door that they never lock" Jughead piped. "Okay hobo that's our way in. Lead the way!" He gave me a glare and then started to walk. We made it to the door and entered the school. "Well Toni proposed in the hall so lets go" We ran to the hall and saw a note on the stage which read Well you remember where TT proposed that is good of you! Now the real work begins. Go to where Toni hates the most. I will give you a clue it is where you have also been and saw her worst nightmare "Oh god it can't be, we have to go to Shankshaw prison" "Cheryl have you thought that she could be leading us on a wild goose chase" Jughead says. "Of course but it is worth a try" We made it to the prison and all of us were searching for a note. We finally managed to find it trapped under the fence and it read Well done Red you have gone this far but from now on you must go on alone or choose one person to carry on with you. If I sense more people are coming than you and one other Toni will lose even more blood. Go to where you and Toni said the three words "Well who wants to come with then?" I asked. "I will" FP stood up "Okay so where did you and Toni first say 'I love you'?" I try and remember. "It was in her trailer" "Okay we go there but don't mention anything about Toni being missing" I didn't argue but jumped in the car and headed for her trailer. I knocked on the door and her mom answered. "Cheryl? You okay?" she asked "Yeah I just left something here do you mind if I look for it?" "No of course not, come in" I entered and started looking for a note. I searched her bedroom first but there was nothing and then the kitchen. Nothing. I finally searched the living room. Top to bottom and I finally found it and shoved it in my pocket and left. "Okay so what does it say?" FP asked. It read You are getting good at this, you are almost there now. Go to where Toni tried to protect you but failed spectacularly I couldn't believe what this one said. "I don't get this one" I told FP. "Well when did Toni try and protect you but you still got hurt?" He asked and I thought for a second. "Well what about when Heather shot me?" I asked. "Got it in one Red" I drove to the Pembrooke and knocked on the door. "Hey Ronnie I need to look here for a note. I can't explain now but I will. I promise" "Be my guest" I entered the big house and started to search. It was 20 minutes later and I still hadn't found the note. I was getting really frustrated "Cheryl you need to calm down" Ronnie tried to stop me "No V, Toni is in trouble and I need to find this note NOW" "Okay let me help you" With help we found it in her dads study and it read Are you sure you aren't a detective? Well this is the last one which will take you to your beloved she might be dead or alive, who knows? Go to where your Mother held you captive and you were rescued by your one true love Well I knew where that was. One thing I should mention is that the sisters of quiet mercy closed down after Toni rescued me. FP and I raced to SOQM as quickly as we could.


When I answered the door the last thing I expected was to be grabbed and thrown into the back of van unwillingly. I had grown men holding my arms with a firm grip which would for sure leave marks. The men tied my arms behind my back so I couldn't escape "Who the fuck do you think you are?" I shouted. They just looked at me and didn't answer. Well that is rude "Where are we going baldo?" I asked one of the men. "Well short arse you have some business that needs taking care of. In the mean time I want you to shut the fuck up before I punch your lights out" After that I shut up and just kept thinking about Cheryl and what she was doing. Hopefully trying to find me. She didn't give up before and she won't give up now. We were in the van for half an hour before we stopped and the men grabbed me again and put on a blind fold so I had no idea where I was. "Come on you we haven't got all day" One man said. We were walking for 5 minutes before I was sat down and I could feel people around me strapping me to the chair. The blind fold was taken off and Holly Jane was standing in front of me. "Holly Jane what is going on?" I asked her and she laughed. "Well TT Your wifey put her hands on me and she isn't going to get away with that so I thought what is most important to her and then I knew it was YOU!" I just looked away. "So erm what are you going to do now, I mean you got me here so whats the plan in action?" "Oh don't you worry you will find out soon" I just grinned. "Why are you smiling?" "Well when Cheryl finds out where I am you are in more danger than you were before because it won't just be Cheryl, all the serpents will be here and they don't take too Kindly to people kidnapping members of their family" "Well what you don't know is that I have back up which will terrify Cheryl. It is a blast from her past" 

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