Part 31: Arrested

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I couldn't quite believe what I heard. I knew I was right that our wedding planner fancies Toni. Not that I blame her because lets be honest Toni is the hottest girl ever. But I do blame her for trying to come on to her when I wasn't there. That bitch thinks she can take my fiancée away from me she has another thing coming. 

"Hey baby I am going out with the girls for a while, will you be okay here?" I told her. "Yeah I have the boys and Nana Rose to keep me company, but out of interest where exactly are you going?" Toni asked, I really didn't want to tell her. "I'm just going to town with B, V and Josie. The girls said the lads are coming round so you have plenty to keep you occupied, play football or video games till I get back. I love you" "I love you too, and stay out of trouble" "You know I won't" I exclaimed as I walked out of the house. I saw the girls at the bottom of the driveway. "So Cheryl whats the emergency?" V asked. "Well lets go grab a milkshake and I will spill all"

We entered Pops and ordered then went to sit down. "So Josie you won't know this but when we went wedding dress shopping I shared my doubts about our wedding planner liking Toni. Well I asked Toni about it and she told me Holly Jane actually asked her why she chose me over everyone else, then she voiced her opinion about the feelings she has for Toni." They looked at me shocked. "Well say something!" "I don't know what to say, Hang on what did Toni say to her?" Betty asked. "Well apparently she told her she didn't have feelings for her like that and she loved me and would never break up with me" "Well then whats the problem?" Veronica asked. "Her, I fucking hate her and I want to have a little chat" "Cheryl do think that is a good idea?" Josie asked. "I know its the perfect idea, she will never learn otherwise. Come on girls we have somewhere we need to be" I got up and walked away. "Come on we can't leave her, she might get arrested and I wouldn't like to explain to Toni why" Betty said.

We were driving to her house, and I could see the worried faces of the three girls as I was going faster than the speed limit. 10 minutes later we pulled up at this house. "Okay girls come on we don't have time to mess around, I want to get back to my TT" "Cheryl are sure this is the right answer?" "Look V, this girl needs to know who is in charge, now come on"

5 minutes earlier


Cheryl was on a rampage, I have never seen her like this before so there was only one thing to do. Text Toni.

Betty: TONI!!

Betty: TONI!!

Betty: TONI!!

Betty: TONI!!

Betty: TONI!!

Toni: WHAT?!

Betty: We need your help, its Cheryl

Toni: Is she okay? What's wrong with her?

Betty: You need to get to Holly Janes house, I think she might get herself arrested

Toni: OH God I'm on my way, make sure the police don't get there before I do. I will be 10 minutes


I had so many thoughts rushing through my head, I couldn't believe Cheryl went behind my back like this. I told her to leave it but thats not Cheryl. 10 minutes later I pulled up to her house to see Cheryl outside arguing with Holly Jane. Then Cheryls hands come up and pin her against the wall. I had to stand in. "CHERYL, CHERYL, please let go of her. You are going to hurt her" She let her go and she turned towards me. "Why should I? She tried it on with you T and I'm meant to stand here and do nothing. Thats not happening" "Look I love you not her and violence certainly isn't the answer. You know you could get yourself arrested for trespassing and assault right?" "I know but I wanted to send her a message..." "I think you succeeded, look at her she looks terrified" "Look Cheryl, I am sorry for what I told Toni but I will be pressing charges" "Please Holly Jane, you don't have to" I tried to plead. "No Toni, she laid her hands on me and she will be punished, now if all 5 of you would kindly step off my property and go back to your sad little lives and Cheryl I wouldn't get too comfortable because you will be in a cell by tonight" She then walked into her house and closed the door. "Cheryl you will be fine, they will give you a slap on the wrist and plus we have Kevin on our side so we have good back up" Betty said. We made it back to Thistlehouse and told Fangs and Sweet Pea. "Well Red you got balls, I will give you that but what were you thinking?" Sweet Pea asked "Thats it I wasn't thinking" Cheryl replied.


It was a few hours later and there was a knock at the door that I was dreading. I opened it and stood there was the Sheriff. "Hello Sheriff what can I do for you?" I asked being polite. "Cheryl Blossom I'm arresting you on suspicion of trespassing and the assault of Holly Jane Smith and anything you do say may be given in evidence. Do you understand?" "Yes I do" I said spitefully. Toni came running out. "Cheryl I will be right outside. I'm not going to leave you, not now" I heard Toni say.

We made it to the sheriff station and they took me straight for questioning and I was going to tell the whole truth. "So Cheryl can you explain how you know Holly Jane Smith?" the Sheriff asked. "Yeah, she is my wedding planner" "Why were you at her house earlier today?" "Well its a long story" "I got time" "Well she acted very weird towards Toni and she then tried to tell Toni she had feelings for her and I wasn't going to stand for that so I went to her house, she knew I was there so thats not trespassing just FYI and she made me angry so I pinned her against the wall but that was it. Toni turned up, calmed me down and then we left" "Okay well you know that is abuse, I know you don't have any previous convictions so I will let you off with a caution this time" "Thank you Sheriff"

I got back to Thistlehouse with Toni thankful that I only got a caution. We ordered take out. There was a knock at the door and Toni answered. I could only here muffled voices and then a scream. I ran to the door and saw two people drag Toni into the back of a van. I couldn't believe it was happening again. I rang all the serpents to meet at the Wyrm.

A/N: I am sorry im not updating as regularly as I should be its just I have to juggle work, college and all the assignments that come with it.(btw I do Chemistry, Physics and Biology so you can imagine the stress) I have few chapters pre-written that are just waiting to be checked. I will be updating as much as possible. Thank you all for reading xxx

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