"I won't kill you because you didn't hear me lay down the rule." She says walking back out. "Don't ever lie to me Calum!" She yells already in the living room.

"Yah Cal!" I say running out.


We were in a taxi going to wherever this meeting is. Belle has Conan in her lap. All this dog does is snuggle and sleep! My kind of dog!

Belle looks fucking hot. She's in a black tank top that says 'Yes I'm a Boston girl, say something' on it in white. She is wearing white jeans and black converse. Whenever she isn't wearing pajamas, she wears this ring and a bunch of bracelets. I like it. Her hair is French braided into a tight bun. She only has a little makeup on and is rocking some white RayBans.

We pull up to a big building and Belle puts on Conan's harness before we get out. I grab her hand as we walk up to where Paul is leaning on a stair rail. He smiles when he sees us, or should I say Belle.

"My favorite child!" He says hugging her. She laughs and hugs him back. Excuse me Paul, get your hands off my girl.

"Come on, this is gonna be a long day." Paul tells us leading us into the building. We walk up a flight of stairs and end up in a huge studio. Conan immediately runs to the couch and curls up.

"My kind of dog." Paul says laughing at Co. That's what I said! Belle sits down next to him and gently pets his head.

"Is this gonna be another song writing session?" Calum asks plopping down on a stool. Paul nods and walks to his notebook.

"We are using as of right now, 'Only Reason', 'What I like about you', 'Heartache on the Big Screen', 'Disconnected', and 'She looks so perfect'. The last on is going to be the EP title. Every single one of those Luke wrote except 'Disconnected' so whatever you're doing keep it up." He says pointing at me. Belle grins and gives me a thumbs up and a cheeky smile.

"It's not fair though! He has someone to write about." Calum pouts. I stick my tongue out and so does Calum. We make faces until Belle warns us. If you mess with Belle, it all goes downhill. You know maybe literally.

"The other writers will be here in a moment so get started! Belle come on over." Paul says dismissing us.


"Alright, on Saturday we have the biggest show. This show there are gonna be meet and greets. You have to be in charge of yelling at the crowd. Keep them happy but organized." I think that through and nod. "Also I need you to help sell shirts during that. Can you do both those things?" He asks.

"Psshh. Piece of pie!" I say. He laughs and pats my back.

We talk for twenty more minutes when a tall guy I for some reason recognize walks in. I can't see his whole face but just the side. When he turns around I run. I have no idea where I'm going but I just run.

Belle! Where are you going? What happened?

Luke texts me. I can't keep running so I stop in some kind of park.

Luke that's Tyler

Tyler's mom sent him to college a year early so I escaped him in a convenient way. He was always good at poems and beats. Makes perfect sense that he writes songs professionally now. I lay down in the grass and stare up at the cloudy sky. I swear if it rains this might be the worst day on tour yet. Considering I have no idea where I am and I'm in a tank top, this would be miserable.

Bee, he just left! Where are you?

Luke texts me. I have to go back there. I feel like out here Tyler could easily find me. I run out of the park and look up and down the street trying to figure out if I recognize where I am. Of fucking course not! Well time to ask.

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