My Savior

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Chapter 3

Drummer Boy had long, bleeding cut across his cheek. His musles were tight and his shoulders were hunched.  His eyes burned brighter up close. His very being radiated anger. He swung his bloody knuckles at Alec's face.Alec groaned. When Drummer Boy moved his fist, I saw Alec's newly crooked nose. I grinned in satisfaction. But Drummer Boy wasn't finished. He hooked his foot to the back of Alec's knee and pulled. Alec fell to his knees as Drummer Boy pounded his fists against Alec's stomach. He gave a final knock to Alec's head. Alec slumped to the floor, unconscious.

My smile widened. I attempted to stand, groaning the whole way up. I leaned against the brick wall and threw my guts up. I felt a warm hand stroke my quivering back. I looked up. Drummer Boy held his other hand out to me. I took it without hesitation.

"Are you ok?" He asked. His voice sounded like a million soothing feathers stroking me, forcing me into a smile. My legs turned to jello underneath me. Drummer Boy caught me in one fluid movement. "Are you ok?" He repeated, this time shaking me. A headache made my head expolode into a world of pain. I cracked a smile. "I am now." I said.

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