With him, he brought his friend, Mick." Her eyes softened and the corners of her mouth turned up into a smile. "They had met in France and Mick had introduced Jasper to the notion of not having to kill when feeding. I remember thinking that he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. I think I loved him from the moment I first laid eyes on him. How could I not? Of course he resisted me for ages. Even Jasper didn't approve. You see, they did not want this life for me - forever - with no children, constant reinvention, losing friends along the way, always living on the fringe of society where countless dangers lurked."

Emilia listened attentively to the other woman's tale, intrigued by the light that came into her eyes as she spoke of all she'd left behind and the man she had given up her mortal life to be with for all eternity.

"But I wore them down. Both of them. Jasper was the first to cave because he knew how determined I could be, and I think, because a secret part of him was glad that he would never have to lose me. Mick was harder to convince, but he loved me too much to deny me for long. And so he agreed to turn me on our wedding night." Elizabeth came back from her memories and looked Emilia straight in the eyes.

"I made my choice because there was nothing in the human world that meant more to me than being with Mick forever. I had no real friends, no family... there was nothing to hold me back. Except perhaps... children." Based on the look in Emilia's eyes Elizabeth saw that this too was something the other woman had thought about.

"For a long time I wondered what it would be like to have a child ... but I realised that if my baby's father could not be Mick, then I wanted no other. So in the end my decision was an easy one. I those this life, with the man I love, over mortality. You will have to choose for yourself, Emilia. Only you know what is in your heart and what you can, and cannot, live without. Jasper will respect whatever you decide because that is the kind of man he is. He would put your happiness far above his own. But with or without you embracing this lifestyle, I know he will love you forever."

Tears came into Emilia's eyes. They shimmered and fell.

Unable to stand the other woman's anguish, Elizabeth embraced her, offering whatever comfort she could. "Take some time and think about what it is that you want to do. When you are ready, whatever you decide, Jasper will be waiting."

"Thank you, Elizabeth. For everything." Emilia held on for a second longer and then let go.

Elizabeth escorted Emilia as far as the entrance hall as it was midday. The butler took her the rest of the way.

Walking slowly up the stairs Elizabeth's thoughts were on the distressed young woman who had just left. She could so easily identify with her. Had she not been in that exact position once? Yes, she understood her indecision. My choice had been easier though. She has strong ties to the human world, ties that I did not have.

Having reached her destination Elizabeth didn't knock. She knew her brother had heard her coming. Jasper was lounging in a wing chair in his room staring into the empty grate. In his hand was a glass of blood poured from a decanter on a low table nearby.

"She is gone?" Jasper didn't bother to act as if he hadn't known Emilia was there. Her smell was so familiar to him that he was sure he could pick up her scent the minute she turned into the drive leading up to the house. It was more than a few miles long.

"Yes. Thank you for not interrupting. She needed to be able to express her thoughts without knowing you were nearby." Elizabeth moved close to him and sat down in the matching chair opposite his.

He looked at her and her heart ached for him. If Emilia was in agony, then her brother was surely in hell. "I love her and I want to marry her, Beth. I want to be with her always. But I will not ask her to become one of us. It would be a selfish act and one she may come to regret. I would not be able to bear her resentment should she hate what she had become and blame me because of it."

Moving forward Elizabeth knelt at his feet and gently touched his arm. She spoke softly. "Jasper, I think you do not give Emilia enough credit. No one could make her do anything she did not want to do. She is strong and she has a mind of her own. She loves you, I do not doubt it. But whatever she decides - life or death - it will be her choice, made freely. You cannot assume any responsibility for that."

Her brother's tortured eyes never left hers. "I think I had given up on love, Beth. Forgotten what it felt like to experience these emotions for another person, not even sure if I was capable of it, if I deserved it. Then she came out of nowhere and turned my darkness into light. Now I cannot imagine a day, an hour, a second without her. The thought of losing her..." He breathed out. "It cripples me."

For the second time that day Elizabeth felt herself overwhelmed with emotion. "Jasper, I have never known anyone in my mortal or immortal life that is more deserving of a happy ending than you. You took care of me after Papa died and you have continued to take care of me ever since - even after I married. I have never told you how grateful I am to have you in my life. You know you are the only person whose love has ever rivalled what I feel for my husband."

Jasper reached for his sister's hands and kissed them. His eyes were overcome with feeling. "Thank you, Beth. I needed to hear that."

"I wish I could tell you that I know for certain what Emilia's going to choose ... But she would be a fool not to want to spend eternity with my amazing big brother."

Jasper smiled at Elizabeth's attempt at humour. "You are not exactly unbiased."

Elizabeth laughed. "True. But you know I am always right. Did I not always say that you would fall for some warrior woman?"

It was Jasper's turn to laugh.

Elizabeth sobered. "Have faith, Jasper, all will be as it should be. Of that I am certain."

"When you say it like that I am inclined to believe you. I love you, Sister."

"Good." Both laughed as they embraced.

"Now, could I interest you in a drink?" Jasper seemed lighter.

"Most definitely."

Further away, Emmanuel and Cassandra were taking a walk on the Winterley Estate. It was cool out, and the dogs were running along with them. Walking hand in hand, Emmanuel sensed Cassandra's anxiety.

"I spoke with Jasper earlier. He told me about Emilia."

Cassandra nodded, pleased he could detect her mood, and the reason therefore. "I am worried about her Emmanuel. Is it wrong of me to hope she chooses mortality?"

They stopped under a tree and he turned to face her. "No, it is not. You are afraid for her?"

"I am. I am so afraid. Knowing vampires exist is vastly different from having your closest friend consider becoming one. It could be dangerous. Could she be hurt? What if something goes wrong?"

"Cassie, stop. Stop this. I have known the Konstantin's for years. Turning someone, or considering it, is something they take very seriously. This is not something they do often - if ever."

"She is like my sister."

"And she will be fine, whatever she decides. They are good people, Cassandra."

"That I know, and I am comforted by it."

He kissed her temple and pulled her close. "It is going to be alright."

"I hope so." She held on tight. "I just want her to be happy."

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