Emilia looked over at Cassandra casually. "Oh, did I forget to mention Cousin Neville proposed?"

Cassandra started to giggle, and when giggles were not enough, she started to shake with mirth and her eyes started to tear.

"Good God, Cassie, it isn't that funny!"

"I am sorry, but Neville is... well, he is like a pig, Em."

"A bulbous, stupid one at that! But all the blame cannot be his. He was raised by Aunt Dorothea. I almost feel sorry for him. Now no more of this talk! It is quite depressing. You know I am determined to be a spinster, aunt only to your wonderful offspring. How dare Neville think he was doing me a great honour?"

"So you are still determined never to marry?"

"Yes, of course. Why ever would I change my mind?"

"Oh, I do not know," said Cassandra demurely. "Perhaps it has something to do with the way you and Lord Hale were sparking last night?"

It was Emilia's turn to gawk. "Excuse me? I must confess that I have not the slightest idea as to what you are referring to."

Cassandra held up her hands in surrender. "Not another word from me then."

Emilia turned to her friend, cheeks red. "And you are a fine one to talk, Cassie. It seemed Lord Moire held more than a little of your attention."

Cassandra started to deny it, and then changed her mind. It wasn't in her nature to be coy anyway. "Oh, Em, he is beautiful, is he not?"


"Oh, I am not saying anything happened. In fact, nothing has. But I can look to like can I not?"

Emilia whipped out her fan and started fanning her cheeks. "He could be a murderer, you know. They could all be."

"You do not believe that?"

Emilia lowered her fan. "No. I do not know why I trust them, but I do."

Cassandra just smiled. "Shall we go in and have our late lunch, Em?"


At dusk, Cassandra and Emilia were on their way to Konstantin House - again.

"Is this is only house in the neighbourhood we will be visiting with any regularity?"

"We are already the envy of the ton, I am sure, Em." Cassandra took a minute before saying. "And may I add that you are looking particularly lovely tonight."

Emilia looked at her friend, cheeks pinking. "As do you."

Both ladies failed to mention to the other that it had taken each of them twice as long as it usually did to dress for this meeting. Cassandra had chosen a gown of the lightest mint green. With her auburn tresses, and brown eyes, she looked like a beautiful meadow in the midst of summertime. Fresh and gay.

Emilia in contrast, wore yellow. A nice contradiction she thought, considering all but one of their acquaintances could not enjoy the sun.

This time when they arrived at Konstantin House the ladies were not shown to the parlour they were now familiar with. Instead, they were shown to a lounge of sorts, with large, comfortable leather chairs, set in a circle. In the centre, a low table sat, books scattered haphazardly. The room was decidedly masculine, and was reminiscent of a library and men's study combined.

There were flowers and scatter cushions to soften the effect, but overall, the room ran more to a man's taste, and therefore must be the private rooms of the Lord of the house. In the grate, a roaring fire raged, and made the room seem inviting and comfortable.

Emilia and Cassandra sat down just as Elizabeth and Mick entered.

"Cassandra, Emilia, welcome. I hope you do not mind too much, but I chose this room for our meeting. It's more comfortable than the parlour, and is usually used by my husband, Jasper and Emmanuel when there is business to be discussed."

"Not at all, Elizabeth," said Emilia. "And how is Lord Hale?" Emilia didn't know why, but she felt self conscious asking.  

"Quite well, my Lady."

Emilia swung around. From the opposite side of the room, another door had opened and Jasper was walking towards the party at the centre of the room. Looking at him, one could not tell he had been maimed so grievously just a few hours ago.

"My Lord. You look... its remarkable really."

Jasper grinned that special roguish smile Emilia had come to recognise. "Yes well, underneath all this clothes is another story entirely."

Emilia scowled, but couldn't hide the heat clawing into her face.

"Jasper! Do not tease so," chided Elizabeth.

He tried his best to look contrite, but instead looked only more amused at Emilia's discomfort. "My apologies, Lady Emilia. I sometimes... forget myself." He bowed mockingly.

Emmanuel had entered the room silently at this point. Although he hadn't made a sound, Cassandra could feel his presence. She turned in his direction. When their eyes met, her knees wobbled just a little, but she smiled, and then curtseyed. "Your Grace."

"Right, we are all here. Would everyone like to take a seat?" With the comfortable chairs arranged in a circle, Elizabeth sat next to her husband, with Jasper seated next to his sister. Emilia, with no other choice, unless she wanted to be rude, sat in the armchair next to Lord Hale. Cassandra sat next to her friend, with Lord Moire taking the final seat.

"Now ladies," started Mick. "If you would forgive my complete bluntness, who are you? And how did you come to be at the dockyard last night?"

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