"Perhaps... but I did spare YOUR life." Loki reminded. "That's got to count for something..."

I nodded and shrugged. "Sure."

"Hey," Loki lifted my chin with his finger and raised a brow as he spoke. "I can be nice if I want to be..."

I giggled and got a bright smile from Loki. His perfect teeth and his warm smile made me go all fuzzy inside. A swarm of butterflies made themselves known from deep within my stomach.

"See, I'm not all backstabbing, betrayal and evil. I made you smile." Loki announced

I nodded in agreement. "Alright fine, you're Loki, God of Everything."

"I wouldn't mind that actually. If that was the case, I'd be able to take what's mine and..." Loki's smile fell, and his eyes slowly drifted to the ground. "... Thor."

I furrowed my brows. "I'm sorry...?"

"My brother..." Loki looked back up at me, eyes wide and filled with concern. "Is my brother okay?"

I warm feeling washed over me. "Awe, you care about him?"

Loki ignored that. "Where is he?"

"... Loki?"

As if on cue (leave me alone, it's MY story), our gazes turned to see who this new voice belonged to. It was deep, and I hadn't heard it before.

Loki's eyes lit up and he got up slowly. I watched on, assuming this man was Loki's brother Thor... except, with short hair and... no hammer (as usual... he probably lost it again).

Behind the man I'm guessing to be Thor, stood Mrs. Wicca and Vinx. She was trying so desperately to peer over the muscular man's shoulder to catch a glimpse at me.

Loki's eyes never left Thor's. Thor's eyes filled with tears, and after a second or two, he rushed his brother and embrace him with such passion. Thor wrapped his arms around Loki without warning, and lifted him up off the floor, squeezing him tightly and crying for joy.

"My brother! I thought I'd lost you!" Thor cried with one of the widest and brightest smiles I'd ever seen on his face.

Loki was making an expression of pain and discomfort. It was quite amusing. When he spoke, it was more of a squeal than anything else. "Apparently so did everyone else..."

Thor placed his brother back down on the floor, and observed his brother carefully. Thor's large hands didn't let go of Loki's forearms. "You're looking a lot better than the last time I saw you."

Loki coughed and spluttered a little but managed to get out a decent sentence. "Well that's probably because the last time you saw me I'd been strangled."

Thor went quiet for a moment before smiling again and nodding. "You're probably right about that..."

I giggled and Thor's gaze switched from Loki to me. He paused and then looked back at Loki, then he returned his gaze to me for a moment before walking hastily over and wrapping me in an almost lethal bear hug.

"And you...!" Thor began, squeezing me tightly.

Loki stepped closer and then went to quite possibly warn him about how fragile I was, but Thor had already released me by that point.

"You... brought him back. How can I ever thank you?" Thor's smile was gentle and sincere, putting me at ease.

"... Never hug me that firmly again." I suggested

Thor and Loki both chuckled, and when Thor moved away, Vinx pretty much tackled me back down so I was once again laying on the bed.

She hugged me, while laying on top of me. I said it like that, because I believe it looked as weird as I'd just explained it. We are not lesbians.

Mrs. Wicca was discussing something with Thor and Loki while Vinx and I discussed how fucking hot Loki was in person.

"He hugged me last night." Vinx whispered once the three others had left the room.

I giggled. "Kinky. Why?"

"Because I was mourning."

I nodded slowly. "How many days was I asleep for...?"

"Only one. We brought your here yesterday. You resurrected Loki yesterday morning." Vinx confirmed

"Oh, that makes sense. I was a little confused as to why Thor hadn't arrived earlier, and why Loki hadn't asked about his brother before now... Nope, I'm still confused."

"Loki was talking about Thor in his sleep, so Mum got into contact with Thor and requested his arrival. Loki... never spoke of Thor while conscious. I don't know why..." Vinx looked down and we both trailed off in thought.

How odd. It would only make sense for Loki to be asking about his brother as soon as possibly... so why did he take so long to remember Thor? Strange.

"Guess what..." Vinx started, changing the subject.

I gave an encouraging nod.

"Spiderman died..." Vinx stated with wide eyes

I gasped and my eyes widened. "What!?!" I shouted

Loki's head popped around the corner to see what was going on. My shocked expression remained, but Vinx smiled awkwardly and waved slowly... sus.

"Who else?" I urged

"... Um, I'm pretty sure the Black Pantha died too. Along with... ugh, I can't remember." Vinx said in irritation

I waved it away. "It doesn't matter. But... I can't believe Spiderman died! Spiderman!"

Vinx giggled. "I can't believe Loki died."

A lump formed in my throat. "... Don't remind me."

She shrugged and nodded. "Wanna go get some lunch?"

I snickered. "No, why would I? I want to see their dead bodies."

"You're a fucking creep!" Vinx laughed

I laughed at my own bullshit too. "I was joking...!"

"I sure hope so..." Loki said as he stood in the doorway. His expression was blank and unreadable, it made us laugh even more.

... I guess something bad happens since the story doesn't end here. Ooooh.

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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