A New Kind Of Hell (Part One)

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I was once just your average girl. In fact, I was a lot lower on the food chain than most people in my hometown. I was outcasted by the people because I was, and still am, a Goth.

I usually wore black. Long skinny-jeans made of stretchy denim or tight thick elastic, along with my black t-shirts and hoodies. I especially loved my black high-tops converse sneakers. They made me feel... cool. As cheesy as that may sound.

I was only 12 years of age when I was told about Asgard. Thor, the God of Lightening, and his younger brother Loki, the God of Mischief. It may be quite confusing, because I don't understand it all that well either. It will be explained later on.

Frigga was the mother of Loki and Thor. She was also the Queen, she was married to the King, Odin. Odin was also a God. He was also the one who watched over the nine realms. I can't explain what type of God Odin was, or what type of Goddess Frigga was (if she even WAS one). I know nothing of the nine realms, I didn't bother studying. Maybe we'll find THAT out later as well.

Odin created a large hammer for Thor, and this hammer could not be used (let alone picked up) by anyone other than Thor himself. Thor always believed that the hammer was the key to his powers, but the hammer was only created to help him control his powers. Yet, even after Thor discovered that, he still tried to find the hammer (which he'd... somehow lost). Then again, after he DID find it, he only lost it again shortly after.

Lord Odin knew that if Loki was to become the King of Asgard, he would only destroy it. Loki wasn't evil, but nor was he... necessarily good. Then again, Loki wasn't even a quarter good. Loki was adopted, you see, and as young boys, Thor and Loki were told by Odin over and over again that one of them would be King one day. Loki put the idea in his head that HE was supposed to be King, that HE was the rightful heir to the throne of Asgard... so when Thor was given the throne, Loki grew angry, jealous, and wanted to do anything in his power to steal the throne from his older brother Thor. I'm thinking THAT'S why Loki was banished from Asgard and sent to a different realm.

As it turns out, Loki was banished to Earth. It wasn't the best idea, because of how powerful Loki was compared to the people of Earth... and due to his arrival, the Earth was brutally changed and traumatized. Of course, it was only 16% of Earth to begin with, but mark my words, it won't be long before Loki strikes the rest of us. It's just confusing, because no one from Loki's original realm is doing anything to stop Loki from destroying our planet.

Does that makes sense?

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... This is where my story begins. Well, it's actually supposed to be YOURS. It is, after all, a Reader x Loki thing. You are me. Remember that. Although our names may be different, and possibly our age too. Let's just say... you and I have swapped bodies. You are talking to the audience.
Make sense?

Anyway, before the story begins, let's go back to the day Loki first struck. When Loki made his first move. When the Earth became... a new kind of Hell.


Actually, Loki was adopted. His father was constantly saying to Thor and Loki that one of them was going to be King of Asgard one day. Loki put the idea into his head that HE was supposed to be King, and when Thor got the throne, Loki became jealous. Loki believes he is the rightful heir to the throne, and will do anything to kick Thor out.

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