A New Kind Of Hell (Part Two)

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1 Year Ago.
I was staying with a friend for the week because my Mum had left town. My friend was, my only friend. She wasn't Goth, and nor was she an outcast. Her name was Vinx. Vinx had short, frizzy, blazing red hair, light brown hazelnut eyes, ivory white skin, and she was covered in these tiny light red freckles. She wore glasses, and looked like a geek. She was very beautiful, and before I got to town, she was everyone's best friend.

When I first arrived, I never once spoke to Vinx, in fact, I had absolutely nothing to do with her.  She hadn't even realized I'd moved in. Well, at least, that's what I thought. Vinx's friends would mock me, push me around, order me about, and humiliate me in front of the towns people. Vinx never did those things, and so I'd simply assumed she either didn't care, or didn't know I was there.

Then one day, she saw two of her main friends shove me into the mud. It was my 16th birthday... and they were teasing me JUST to ruin my day. So Vinx stepped in. She stood protectively in front of me and narrowed her deep brown eyes, a daring look on her face. She told them off, and they left me alone. She helped me clean up, then offered to have me sit with with her at lunch when I got to school. I said I would, but ended up sitting alone due to my lack of trust. In the end, she came over and sat with me instead.

We'd been close friends ever since. We stick up for each other, and she's the one I know I can cry to, talk to, confide in, and... rely on. She's never let me down, and I don't intend to let her down either. Vinx is my best friend, and I am hers.

I have long straight black hair with greeny blue eyes. My skin is very pale, I believe it was almost porcelain. I was thin, and so was Vinx. Vinx was thinner than I was, and I was almost chubby. I mean, you would disagree if you saw me... but I'm, one of THOSE girls. If you know what I mean.

Anyway, the next morning, Vinx and I heard a loud crash, and then the floor began to shake. We heard people start screaming, and car sirens went off. Vinx shot me a look of pure fear, she'd lost all color in her face and I could tell she was holding her breath. We were in the kitchen at the time, and once I heard something that sounded like a car had collided with the street light, I grabbed Vinx's arm and we fled out the front door. 

Once we spotted a heap of people running for their lives down the road, Vinx and I raced to the end of the driveway to find a large mutant-looking creature walking behind a man wearing a black and green... suit. It seemed to be made out of leather... and it looked quite tight. 

"No fucking way..." Vinx's voice hitched and it became obvious she was feeling anxious, frightened, and fueled with adrenaline. I was feeling it too.

"... That can't possibly be Loki." I muttered. Vinx had introduced me to him. Not in person, she'd never seen Loki in her entire life, nor have I, or anyone on Earth. That we know of. Vinx had told me about Loki, Thor, Odin and his wife Frigga. 

"I'm in love." Vinx squeaked, almost unable to speak due to her fear and adrenaline

I was standing there at the end of the driveway beside Vinx, just staring at the God of Mischief and his... pet. It was quite idiotic, but I was thinking of something. If we ran, we'd end up with the same fate as the other people. The mutant was throwing cars at the people, and he never missed. I mean, each car took out a number of people, and if Vinx and I were to follow those people, we'd be crushed too. 

As I was desperately trying to think of something, Loki spotted me and furrowed his dark brows, giving a small smirk as if accepting a challenge I hadn't intended to bring forth.

"You dumb fuck..." I cussed under my breath, mentally punching myself for being so foolish. I mean, I just fucking stood there, as if I were trying to get myself killed.

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