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I felt crappy for the rest of the day. At first it was just the shock of falling like 1000 feet downwards. After about 30 minutes of this shock, that's when the shock of knowing I almost died came in. For the rest of the day I was incredibly depressed. I felt like a zombie, and I really wasn't there. I was working mechanically. I remember vaguely that I was told to relax and do nothing of any sort for the rest of the day. Saphira and Eragon had to continue to fly while the Varden marched, but I got the tremendous privilege of riding in a wagon pulled by... elves. I don't know why, but Arya and the elves felt the need to pull me around in a hand-cart type thing. They refused to leave me alone after that. What shocked me was the elves actually started talking to me!!!

They had been ignoring me the entire time I was there, and suddenly they are talking to me like I was there buddy they grew up with. It only took almost dying!!!!! So they were kind to me, for once not giving me the cold shoulder. But they kept going on, and on, and on!!!! I was beginning to  think they didn't have an off switch!!! Once it was on, it couldn't be turned off!!!!! The best part was I had no idea what they were talking about!!! Something about me falling to my doom (yeah, that made me feel great at this time -_-), magic, themselves, a cat. After that it was just a bunch of random stuff of randomness.

So when we finally made camp they circled my tent, again. I thought we were past this, but I guess not. it was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon when we stopped. I was uncomfortable in my normal clothes, because I had almost died in them, and so changed into pajama pants, a really old t-shirt, and slippers. Yes, slippers were not the best option in this terrain, but they were comfortable and I was out-of-it. I was a little distraught. I didn't want any dinner, and that led to Saphira threatening me again. However they settled for just some bread, cheese, and water. And then I just kind of sat there for a while.

Eragon and Arya kept looking at each other. Saphira was like whole 6 inches from the stump I was sitting on. The elves weren't in their normal position, instead they were in a semicircle in front of me telling Elvin stories that I really didn't understand. I knew they were trying to make me feel better, but they were doing a crappy job. Just after dusk I wanted to do something, but I also didn't want to do something. And as such I was struggling with my inner-self on whether or not to do something. Eragon apparently saw my discomfort, and suggested a walk. I agreed because it was something to do, but it wasn't that strenuous.

We walked through the camp just talking. It was just Eragon and me, so it was almost comfortable.The main discussion...... Gleadr's advice. You must learn to see... what you are looking at, that had been his advice. Eragon was completely stumped!! Of course, I had read the book 3 times so I knew exactly  what he meant. I didn't tell Eragon what he meant, I just simply walked with him and listened to him try to figure it out. I randomly added in a comment that might.....maybe.....perhaps, lead him to the correct answer, but no such luck. But it was okay, because I knew that he would eventually come to the right conclusion.. after Gleadr agreed to help him figure it out in the near future...........

We soon came to a very strange sight. It naturally included Angela, because she was the one who caused a lot of strangeness. There were 9 Urgals, 3 Kull (really big Urgals) which included the leader Nar Garzhvog, on the Urgals and among them were werecats. It was weird because for once the werecats were actually acting... like cats; house cats!!!! And in front of them, on a blanket holding a "drop spindle" weaving wool into string, was Angela telling (very much) the strangest story I'd ever heard.

I came in at the part where the blood-thirsty rabbit ripped out a dragon rider's best freind's throat and nibbled his nose. Then the dragon became as clear as diamond because he flew higher than any dragon ever had. And then the dragon and rider saved the dwarves from some terrible evil. And they all lived happily ever after, fearing rabbits for the rest of their lives. The End.

I have never heard a story so outlandish in my life. So I just kind of stood there and remained silent. But the Urgals and werecats all listened like it was the most exciting thing ever. These warriors that had killed so many soldiers at a battle recently were sitting there like children listening to there mother reading them a bed time story!!! When she stopped they grunted... grunted in approval. Nar Garzhvog said that she was a good story teller and then called her this nick-name that I can not pronounce. That's when Eragon stepped in. Angela said that there'd be no more stories tonight, the Urgals stood to leave, Nar Garzhvog gave her something in a leather bag, and when they turned to leave he said, "You must come to our camp sometime, (name I can't pronounce). We have a chanter with us and when he tells the tale of (name I can't pronounce)'s victory at Starvarosk it makes your blood boil."  

The group said their good-byes when Eragon had the bright idea to say, "Where is Stavarosk? I've not heard of it before." This caused and outrage among the Urgals. They turned to him, gave him the look of death, and said, "What trickery is this Firesword?" Eragon took a step back, and explained that he didn't mean to offend anyone and really had never heard of Stavarosk before. And that's when the Urgals found out that the Varden did not tell of their victories. So.. apparently the "Victory at Stavarosk" was when the Urgals killed more than half of Galbatorix's army in the Spine (forest on the edge of the country that Galbatorix refuses to go in and people are superstitious about). It was a big deal. And that's when Nar Garzhvog said, "We will track down your chanters, your bards, and we will teach them the songs concerning (name I can't pronounce), and we will make sure that they remember to recite them often and loudly." So the Urgals left to go track down story tellers and tell them stories.

Angela and Eragon laughed over the fact that some poor lute player was going to see 9 Urgals and 3 Kull standing outside his tent, eager to educate him on Urgal culture. "I'll be impressed if we don't hear him scream," Angela stated still chuckling. Eragon and I sat down. A white cat sat in Eragon's lap. It happened to be Shadowhunter, the queen of the werecats and Grimrr Halfpaw's mate (king of the werecats). Eragon rubbed her like she was a kitten. And she just purred!!!!!

So, the night consisted of answering questions. We found out a bunch of dragons together is known as a "Thunder" of dragons. We also found out that Grimmr Halfpaw hates Angela because she found him teasing a bird before he ate it and made it so that whenever he talked it would chirp like a bird. This lasted for a week, and no one would go near him. Thus him hating her. But Shadowhunter put a bunch of holes in Eragon's leg when we mentioned this, so we decided to change the subject.

Before a new topic could be reached we heard a very loud scream ring from somewhere in the middle of the camp and then fade into and out of silence. We laughed ourselves silly!!! I could only imagine the look on the story tellers face!!!

After a little bit more laughing, Eragon and I left. My mood was lightened, and my spirit was high. So I could actually hold a conversation now. The elves and I had a nice chat about my clothes. Mainly how odd it was, how comfortable it was, and what the dresses looked like in 2014. And because I was in a good mood, I modeled some dresses for them. Most of them were skirts and a fancy shirt, but they didn't need to know that. "What happened to your dress!!" one of them exclaimed. "I think your dress is a little too small for you Sadie," Arya said looking over me. I was wearing a knee length skirt with a v-neck blouse. "No, this is how it's supposed to look," I explained. They were totally shocked. So we then talked about how styles have changed over time. Then I went to bed because I was tired as heck. My tent was surrounded by elves and Saphira the entire night.

A.N. So, I hope you found this interesting at least. I really did try to make this as funny as I possibly could.


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your favorite red dog



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