The Expulsion

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"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" You could hear students chanting from corridors away.

A group was huddled around two figures, a boy and a girl, that were fighting, rolling and scratching and punching. They were just a blue of dark brown, blue, an green. Until finally the brown haired girl was straddling the blonde boy.

The brunette was delivering punch after punch to the boy's face, the blonde getting a few hits in here and there.

"Miss Dusk! Mr. Quinn!" A strict voice rang out as a woman came to the sight, the crowd parting like the Red Sea for Mosses.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Mrs. Hartman asked.

"She punched me first!" Wesley Quinn says quickly.

"Is this true?" The redhead asks accusingly.

"Yes, but-" Avery Dusk was never able to finish that sentence.

"Well, then, I'm sorry Miss Dusk, but I have to expel you." The principle declares.

"You know what? Okay! Okay!" And Avery starts walking away, but not before she turns around and continues,"I have one thing to say: FUCK YOU, BITCHES!" She yells and walks away, holding both middle fingers high in the sky.

Hello ducklings,

It's me! This is my first story on this account. I'd also like to say, this will all be in first person, I just thought this chapter would be better portrayed in third person.

Any questions, suggestions, or CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcomed. No hating criticism bullshit. I like to know when I did something wrong, or what I could have done better, not haters criticizing because they just wanna hate on someone.

With that said, please comment and vote!



🐢/😇(my secret, Claire=😈)

His Little PrincessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora