one; extra cheese?

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"bye guys see you in a month" i smile. my parents and my two little brothers are going all the way to florida for a football competition leaving me and ruby here in la. obviously not alone, our neighbors will check on us everyday.

"im hungry order pizza" ruby says
"why can't you do it"
"you're the oldest" she smirks and then goes up to her room. "add extra cheese" she says and i just roll my eyes.

after i ordered the pizza i get in the shower and then get into some shorts and an oversized tee.

half an hour later there's a knock at the door. me and ruby were sat comfortable watching friends. we both sigh and look at each other.
"rock , paper , scissors, shoot!" we both say. i have paper and she has scissors.
"ha ha" ruby smiles.
i groan and walk up to the door.

"woah" i say. there stands a very cute boy. he looks about my age and he has nice curly hair. i blush and smile.
"h-hi" he says "um large pepperoni pizza?" he asks
"w-with e-extra cheese" i stutter
"yes yes there's extra cheese" he smiles as he hands over the box.
"thank you" i smile
"you're welcome goodbye" he says and then leaves.


he was cute.

"w-with e-e-extra c-cheese" ruby mimics me
"ah shush" i roll my eyes. i set the pizza in the kitchen and ruby starts eating. i get my phone and instantly text my friends.


nadia' omg i just saw this guy he is soooooooo hot

kenz' really how hot?

johnny' kenz really!

kenz' i-im asking for lily ! sorry babe

lily' wowza thanks kenz

lauren' haha jenzie

nadia' guysssss i need to see him again omg
nadia' honestly he looked better that the pizza

lauren' nothing it better looking than pizza

johnny' pizza with pineapple is probably better looking

kenz' NO


hayden' yo yo yo what's going on

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hayden' yo yo yo what's going on

johnny' don't say that ever again please

THE PIZZA BOY; daria fanfic Where stories live. Discover now