Muselk and Sty's Furry Misadventrue!

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(M = Muselk, S = Stylosa)

It was morning like any other. Sty had already gotten up to make some coffee. He had just started his morning workout routine. Muselk was sleeping in that day, as he had just stayed up late playing Overwatch the previos night. He yawned as he got out of bed and went to his mirror to change into his day clothes.

M: Huh.. wait.. what..?

Muselk rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing correctly. He had suddenly grown cat ears over night! He turned around due to feeling some additional weight to his back side. He also grew a long, fluffy cat tail!


Muselk ran to Sty's gym room and bashed the door open. Sty looked at him with a faint smile. He was in his gym outfit, glistening slightly with sweat from the treadmill.

S: That headband suits you great! You look adorable~

M: Aww, thanks! ...But it's not a headband! They're real!

S: What..?

Sty approached Muselk and gently touched his puffy ears. He had also noticed the tail coming out from behind Muselk.

S: This must be a.. dream, right?

M: I dunno.. Is it?

Sty continued to rub Muselk's ear gently, entranced by its softness.

M: Uhm..

S: Oh! Uh.. I'm sorry..

M: No you can keep going.. It feels really good..

S: Wait! I have an idea!!

M: Huh..?

Sty ran to the closet in their room and scrambled through the mess. He pulled out a cute, red collar, suitable for an animal, but just right size for a human. He ran back to Muselk with an excited expression.

M: You want me.. To put this one..?

S: No stupid, I'm gonna put it on you~

Sty slowly fit the collar around Muselk's neck. Muselk blushed a little, but he didn't mind the little accessory.

S: There you go.. You look so adorable! Just like a cat boy~

M: You think this is.. Cute..?

S: Extremely!

M: G-Good.. Hey, Sty.. You wanna go watch TV for a while?

Sty's radar had set off. He knew this was a one in a lifetime chance to snuggle with an adorable cat boy version of his boyfriend!

S: YES! One second, I need to take a shower!

M: Alright. I'll go get dressed then..

Sty went to the bathroom and took a cold shower. All of the time he was in the shower, he couldn't stop thinking about his precious Cat-selk.

Muselk decided to dress in shorts to let his tail have a bit more comfort. He dressed in a slightly baggy shirt that was very comfortable to wear.

After they both got ready and came to the sitting room, Muselk sat down on the sofa while Sty searched for the remote. After he found it, he put on the usual; Merfy Nerf Updates.

TV: Welcome back to Mercy Nerf Updates! We have news just in on the newest partch of Overwatch! Let's read!

M: Hey Sty.. Do you mind if I lie down..?

S: Yeah, of course! Feel free to use my lap as a pillow..

M: Thanks Sty~

Muselk lay down and rested his head on Sty's lap.

S: Muselk.. Your hair is so soft..

M: T-Thanks..

S: Do you mind f I uh.. Pet you?

M: Yes please..

Sty slowly ran his hand through Muselk's fluffy hair. He gently rubbed Muselk's soft ears, trying to please his little pet~

M: Nyah.. Please, more~

S: Yeah.. Don't worry, I've got you..

Muselk clutched onto Sty's lap as he got his head pat more.

M: These moments where we're together.. They're what I live for..

S: I know what you mean Mu..

TV: Last of all, we have changed guardian angel to lower Mercy's HP to 1 after use. This will add a new, skillful twist to Mercy's playstyle. We will continue to monitor Mercy in the future.


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