Chapter 1- New Beginnings

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Info: Italics is used when thinking, emphasizing, and monologues. Enjoy!

"Hey! Wake your lazy ass up!"

Rolling onto my back, I cracked open a eye and darted it towards the monotone voice that was my personal alarm.

"Go away Chris." I say under my breath as I flip onto my side, letting the feeling of sleep wash over me again. God why can't people just leave me alone?


Shooting up, I turned and glared at the 15 year old boy in front of my bed with a pleasant and familiar smirk on his face.

"When I say get up... I mean get up." He crosses his arms over his chest and I scowl at him.

"Listen bud I'm tired and if it weren't for my wolf genetics, I would have a raging headache." I glare and he rolls his light brown eyes, sunlight filters in from my window and makes his sandy brown hair look more lighter and golden.

"Well 'Mr. I Wanna Party Til Dawn'. We have school in less than 2 hours I suggest you become like those animes you like to watch, and don your uniform on and grab a piece of toast." He says with a grin that I wanted to smack off of his face.

"I'm your elder you don't get to boss me around. Especially at six-fucking-thirty in the morning." I huff and get out of bed, my bare sun-kissed chest gets hit with the cool environment in my room.

He lets out a groan and I hear him facepalm. "You're a junior, I'm a sophomore. Only a one year and a couple days difference, my birthday is coming up!" He protests like each morning, I have no clue why it became a habitual thing for him and I to do this every morning since he moved here into the pack house 2 years ago.

"And so is mine, it's literally in 2 months from today." I smile proudly, my birthday falls on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 11:59:59pm on the dot was when I was born. The eleventh hour, the fifty-ninth minute, with the fifty-ninth second. My twin was born at 9 in the morning Christmas Day, so by hospital laws we weren't twins but brothers. So fricking weird how that works.

And due to the fact that were just brothers, we don't have to share a mate. Thank god. I love my brother and all, but he needs some courage boosters. The guy is like a miniature me but more fragile and needy, I seriously had to push him off me one day when we turned 12 like he's super dependent on me still to this day. It's sorta uncomfortable but cute at the same time.

"I'm only 3 months and 4 days from you." He says and I chortle as I walk to my walk-in closet.

"Yeah the next year." I call out and could hear his flop onto my bed. Discarding my grey sweatpants for our schools grey-blue uniform slacks, I slip the bottoms on and grimaces when they mold to my legs.

Am I getting fat? I question myself and walk over to my full-length mirror. I check out my body and do different poses to see.

My abs were more prominent than 7 weeks ago, my arms were beefed up but not to the point I looked like I was on steroids, my waist was more on the in side, and my stomach was flat as a piece of cardboard. Rolling my eyes at my stupid antics I grab the white button down shirt and was in the middle of buttoning it up when my bedroom door flew off its hinges and landed on the floor.

Goddammit Emily! I finish buttoning it up and go out to my room to see Chris sitting up on his elbows and staring at our best friend who had a wide grin on his face. Yes Emily is a guy, no his mother wasn't high. Maybe the verdict is still out on that.

"Em! Seriously!?" I scoff in utter disbelief and motioned between my door and himself, he just shrugged his school blazer slipping off his shoulder.

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