Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


The door was open, and Carolina was missing.  Austin stood at the top, staring down at the space revealed behind the open door.  Beige floor tiles, the rest was waiting for him to come closer.  Dmitry stood with his arms crossed, waiting to see what Austin would do.

“I take it you haven’t gone in there yet,” Austin said.


“Then I’m going inside to look for Carolina,” Austin finally said.  He didn’t wait for Dmitry’s response or approval.  This was the last place Austin wanted to go, but he had nowhere else to look for her.  Austin took a step and carefully made his way down, sliding part of the way until the floor leveled out.  He noticed all that dirt tossing had added some much needed friction.  As he neared the energy field he was a little worried that it might come on at random, but nothing zapped him.  He walked towards the waiting doorway, noticing the stale air coming from inside.  A series of beige floor tiles hinted at the size of the underground room.  Taking a quick breath he stepped in front of the gaping door, unsure of what to expect.  Inside was a weakly lit space filled with strange tables and chairs.  The air was warm, and Austin realized the history he was about to make, being one of the first to come inside a building not built by man.  But his mind wasn’t on that, his only concern was for Carolina.  And though he was looking for her, Austin didn’t see her at first.  Her back was to him, and she was so still he thought she was one of the pieces of furniture. 

“Carolina!” he shouted, running inside.  She was facing the wall, her head was hunched over a strange looking key panel next to another interior door.  She did not turn when he called her.  Austin raced across the huge underground room, oblivious to the litter of furniture and papers inside.  Carolina opened the second interior door just as Austin reached her.  His hand fell on her shoulder, and recoiled.  She was burning up.

“Honey?” he said, spinning her by the shoulders.  Her cheeks were bright red, Austin could feel heat coming off of her.

“Uhnnn…” she moaned, her eyes half open.  Suddenly her legs collapsed from under her, Austin held her upright to keep from falling.

“Medic!” Austin screamed.  Carolina began to convulse, she lurched over and vomited.  “There there baby girl, it’s okay honey,” Austin said, rubbing her back and feeling her face.  He had never seen someone throw up so violently, every muscle in her back rippled and strained with incredible force.  “Dmitry!!” Austin screamed again.  Carolina could barely stand, doubling over and holding her stomach.  Her back and neck tensed fiercely, veins bulged under her skin as she vomited again.  This time Austin heard something plop to the ground, large and round and covered in murky liquid.  It had come out of Carolina.

Austin shrieked, he picked up Carolina and jumped back.  It squirmed on the ground in front of them, flapping long spider like limbs to get oriented.  It was round with transparent flesh, like a jellyfish, with deep set yellow eyes.  He didn’t know they were eyes at first, not until enough goo slid away and they were staring at him.  And it had come out of Carolina’s mouth.  Austin screamed wordlessly. 

The jellyfish creature stood on those long spider legs, protruding longer and longer.  With incredible speed it bolted at Austin.  Austin held Carolina in one arm and grabbed a long oval chair, knocking it over at the creature.  It dodged, moving in rapid bursts, chasing Austin backwards.  Austin hugged Carolina close, trying to kick and scare the jellyfish creature away. 

Dmitry entered the room, speechless.

“Help me!!” Austin yelled, struggling to keep distance between him and the creature.  It slowly stalked Austin, cornering him to the wall.

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