Untitled Part 38

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"Oh Jesus," I sighed.

"Plus, you stay for Austin's birthday," Dad added.

"Oh yeah, and Colby's," I added.

We soon got home and I got my suitcase out the car and went to the door, dad in front of me. I went inside and dumped my stuff like I'd come home from school. Neo run over. 

"Aw Neo!" I cooed loudly and reached out to him, who came over and sniffed me thoroughly before letting my pet him. "He's so cute!"

"And he's mine!" Dad added, "You're not allowed to steal him."

"I can't anyway," I sighed.

We got to the living room and began talking. I said that I could now do flips on a dirt bike and about the quads. 

Hours passed and then there was a knock on the door. Dad answered it and I heard Bradley. The Brock's were here. 

"QUINN!" Bradley cheered and ran over to me, hugging me. 

"Hey Bradley," I said, hugging him back. "Wait- no- you've gotten taller. No, you're not allowed."

"Just because you don't grow," Brennen said and hugged me too. 

"Well, I was just under four foot when I moved into the Trap House. I'm now five one," I said proudly.

"Congrats, Quinn," Colby said sarcastically, hugging too. 

"I knew she'd be small forever," Dad said.

"I just need to buy some stilts," I smirked.

After a while, everyone was at our house and talking. I explained my time in Spain and said they are free to come over any time. 

"But you only have one spare room," Dad said. 

"I have a couch," I said, "you can manage."

Then another person was at the door. "Who's here?" I asked, getting up to answer the door.

"I don't know," Dad shrugged. I went over to the door and opened it. 

"Noah!" I cried and jumped at him. He caught me and hugged back.

"Hey Quinn," He replied. 

We broke the hug and I pulled him inside. 

"Miss your boyfriend?" Sam asked, mocking me.

"Mean," I said back. 

A few hours later, everyone was gone. Just dad, me and Neo at home. 

"I missed this," I admitted.

"Then stay here," Dad said.

"You know I can't," I replied, "I love it there too much."



This year, we were celebrating Christmas at The Scherer's house. We were all sat in the living room and having fun. By the end of the day we were, of course, playing Rocket League and raging. But we had to be quiet due to Emery and Amber being asleep. They were both really cute. They're identical in nearly every way but there are very tiny differences, like Emery's little scar just above her eyebrow where she fell trying to walk up the stairs. 

"Dammit Corey!" I hissed, frantically smashing button on the controller.

"You're out of practice, Quinn. I'm disappointed," Corey said, "I taught you so much."

"Yeah, I don't have an Xbox in Spain," I defended.

"No excuse, get one," He said.

"Why're you so offended?" Aaron asked.

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