Hollow Walls

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Penelope POV

Today I am exploring the tunnels on my own. No James to hold my hand. He has a 'guest' to work on. The hollow walls echo the screams of the young man, I saw enter his suite earlier, making me shake my head in amusement. He'll sleep in my suite again, because even Mrs. Evers can't clean the entire room in a second. And as weird as it sounds.. James hates chaos. He likes the blood, the screams and the smell of death and the killing of course. Just the aftermath isn't something he likes to have in his room. No wonder he built in that dump in the basement. "What are you doing here?" I jump and look into Louis' eyes. "Exploring.", I answer simply and run my hands along these thin asbestos walls. Walls that kill. And before I die of natural causes in here, I'd rather die with the purpose of marrying James. It'll make me live, that's the wrong word, walk these halls until eternity. Wow. Such thoughts never occurred to me.. Until now. "What are you thinking about?" "I'm thinking about death... I love James. I realise that now. He may be my first sin, but I can't imagine a life without him. Not even an afterlife." "Are you talking suicide?" "I'm not. That would mean I'll just fade. I wouldn't be able to stay here. But he.. He could do it for me. Pull the trigger so we can stay together for all eternity. In these beautiful palace. He hasn't built it for me. I know that, don't think I'm foolish. But he made it my home. His eyes, Louis. His beautiful dark eyes. The darkness around him. It pulls me in. I can't resist it. I've never felt anything like it before.", I say, while walking in front of my now dead ex-lover. "Not even for me?" Louis' question makes me stop. I turn to look at him. "Never. Even once. You drew me in once with your kindness and the love you had to offer. I adored the way you played with those kids next door after work sometimes. I adored the way you made them laugh. You accepted all of my flaws. You knew how to cheer me up when I was down. Yet you never learned how to control you hormones. That's what made you hit me. That's what made you drive me away from you and to this hotel. You know... I am kind of thankful... I wouldn't ever have met James if you didn't. He is the one. I know it. I'm sure of it." "Did I really mess it all up?" I nod my head. "Yes. You did. If you didn't, you'd still be alive." "And you are sure you love him?" I chuckle and start walking again. "I am so sure I'd die for him. If he allows me to." "I'd never deny your wishes, my darlin'." I turn around to see James standing behind Louis. I walk up to him and grab his hand he holds out for me, allowing him to pull me into his arms. I thrive, taking in his scent of expensive perfume, cigar smoke and darkness. "Then allow me to die after our wedding night." "So it shall be." "Penelope, you'll regret it.", Louis tells me. I turn to face him and shake my head, chuckling. "You don't get it, do you? I've never felt a stronger need than to be with him... And he is dead. I'll wither away, my body loosing all it's beauty and youth and soon, I'll be but a shell of myself, ashamed of showing myself to him, because all of what made me feel desirable will be long gone. If I die, Louis, I can thrive in this feeling till the end of time. I can be with the man I love and adore for eternity. Like I always desired to be. I want to do it. I could ask Elisabeth to turn me... But I would thirst for blood. And I don't desire to have to feed off of human blood. I'd rather enjoy Mrs. Evers lovely salads and still taste them. What do you know about love, Louis Bournaville? Nothing." I hiss at him, before turning back to my smiling fiance. "My darling. You say that you love me... Do you really?" "I've never been more certain in my whole life. I do love you, James Patrick March. Whether you are able to feel love or not." He chuckles. "All I feel is my dead heart beating when you come close to me. When my eyes meet yours, darlin'. If that is love, then I do love you." I smile at him lovingly, adoring those dimples on his cheeks. He is just so beautiful. So unbelievably beautiful. And he is mine. "Darlin'.. Let's leave these tunnels. They must make you feel uncomfortable." "Not in the slightest, my love. They feel like home.", I tell him but still follow him, never once taking my eyes off him as we walk up a staircase.
I know this way. "We are going to your suite?" "Indeed, my queen. How did you notice?" "I counted the steps, when we walked here together last time. I recognise every secret tunnel we already walked.", I admit. He chuckles and pulls me into his suite, before kissing my hands lovingly, then my lips. "I wanted to talk marriage, my darling. When do you want to get married?" "I would love to get married on devils night... I really liked the others. Especially Ramírez and Aileen.", I admit, "But that would mean it'll take a year for us to marry and I can't wait that long." "They can visit any time they want, you know... We are all dead. The only limit for the souls trapped in here is to stay here.", he tells me and I clap my hands happily. "Yeay!!", I giggle childishly, making James chuckle, once again. He smiles a lot when we are together. Much to my happiness, because.. "Your dimples are adorable, my love.", I tell James. He bursts out laughing. "Adorable.. No one said that before either." "I hope so. Because I want you all to myself. Even your smile."

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