28. Ostara Part 1 A God's Heart

Start from the beginning

I reach out and touch Dru's leg. She's still asleep. She did much better than me. She spent a week drowning over Faraday. I've spent more than six years worth of days completely sloppy and pathetic, trying not to remember an Ostara I can never forget.

And yet here I am now, sober and on my way to an Ostara festival. Not just going, responsible for the whole spectacle. Ironic, since I've never been to one. The humans never saw Cerridwen or I at the Ostaras of old. Ostara was the one day I attended entirely to Cerridwen. Perhaps the only day of the year, beside the Fertility Rites of Beltane, where she was my sole divine focus. But whereas Beltane was a celebration of life, Ostara was our rite of grief.

Things change. This is neither the Ostara of old, where Cerridwen needed me and I, as always, failed her, nor is it the in-between times that I wasted self-medicating. This is the first Ostara of a new time. I know the people need a new awakening. These mountains are as good a place as any to start. Actually, probably a better place. The people are traditional here. They haven't forgotten the old ways entirely, and many of them still know that survival can be challenging and that ease is not a guarantee. They still see existence as a continual hunt that must be made, though sometimes they are the hunters and sometimes they are the prey.

I like the people here, and they like these damn festivals. I want Ostara to go well, for the community but especially for...Dru, Lana, the rest of the class. They had worked hard all week to organize the events and marshal the vendors and other volunteers . I'm proud of their efforts; I want them to be proud of our outcome.

It was still well dark before Dru and I began our journey down the mountain from camp to Sabit. I was impatient, not wanting to make the drive, wanting instead to enfold Dru in my arms and simply remake us there in the field where the dawn Ostara ritual would take place, but I did not. The ability to transport into and out of physical space is very recently returned to me, and I did not trust myself to move her more than a few feet in that way. Not yet. But for Stag's Sake, after last night...it can't be long until I am invincible again. Not just immortal, existing in substandard human form, with only minor spurts of power, needing things like cars and cell phones and paychecks, but truly divine again...able to rule beasts, and succor mortals and...create from nothing.

I look over at Dru, who is dozing, strapped into the seat beside me. She hasn't had enough rest to recover from her massive magical orgasms. I feel slightly guilty, pulling her from slumber after such a short respite, but my presence is necessary at this ritual, and her place, whether she knows it or not yet, is by my side.

Surely she's beginning to understand. Surely she felt our potential last night. Last night was but a mere tease, awkward for her at first, and if I'm honest, for me as well, but when she seized her orgasm by her magic, and breached my boundary, pushing them both to me...I haven't felt that in ten thousand years.

I haven't had a witchjob since Carrie was a mortal woman. After we completed the Divine Act, and she was a goddess and her body unbreakable, I was interested in nothing less than each sex act being divine union—I cared little for the mortal forms of sex—even sexwitchery. A release where were weren't both physically and magically and divinely joined wasn't high up on my list. Though I would often ease Carrie with mortal acts, especially during her difficult pregnancies, when the Divine Act was simply too exhausting for her, and my touch could help her sleep.

But I have to admit, even though I only meant my intervention in Dru's pleasure to instruct her, and to raise her pleasure, it turned out...mutually fantastic. Her sexwitchery was better than any mortal sex I've had in the last two thousand years.She raised all my old feelings of being a young god, touched by the love of my moonlight witch, and I came—hard—right there in the damn tub. I couldn't help it...it was crazy intense to feel Dru's magic and I was so distracted, trying to push the thoughts of Carrie away, I got caught off guard and lost control for second. And the second time...fuck, okay, I'll admit it...the second time I didn't try to push the thoughts of Carrie away. I was thinking of them both.

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