Please read this is a problem

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So today while I was talking to my boyfriend he mention a guy I knew last year we were good friends untill I heard this "he said some things about you back when you and your girlfriend where dateing" I was confused "what do you mean" I said in a confused manner. My boyfriend was quite for a bit untill he said it, my heart stopped my stomach was filled fear and anxiety. That "friend" I hang out with only was friends with me because of my body and my looks I'm sure as hell he wanted to go out with me but not to love me but use me as a toy to play with In disgusting ways. "He wanted to do what!?!" I asked in a panic toned "he said you have huge tits thick thighs and he wants to fuck till you scream for help." On the inside I was screaming and crying but on the outside I was freaking out but no to much. "He's gone right he moved away r-right" my boyfriend nodded "he moved away so he shouldn't do that to you and plus if he did I'll protect you" I smiled "ok that's a relief" but still inside I was panicking but I chose to ingore it "I know he's coming back but I stayed silent. You might think I'm over dramatic buts it true how he would never really make eye contact with me and stared at my body and would "accidentally" grab my butt when I'm not paying attention and how we would look at me and my girlfriend like we where the worst thing in the world and how when I told him I was bi he slapped me and said it was wrong but other than I thought he was good we did have small talks about our favorite youtubers and games and other stuff. His closet friends that I was friends too warned me about him I didn't listen. I should have..... 

Guys look I'm just a normal 13 year old girl who wants a normal life but it's hard some times as a girl when your getting these threats l just want to be alone with someone who doesn't treat me like a toy  if you want to a get a girl to like you  treat them actually fucking respect and if they don't like you the dont rape them or give them fucking threats. Oh well move along there's someone else who would die to be with you. 

Also sorry there was no story today I'm currently in writers block and we'll this happend I guess I'll see you late bye stay safe  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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