chapter 6

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Noah's POV

I smiled at cassey but inside I felt down all of a sudden. Her big black eyes stared at me and she looks trustworthy of keeping her my secret story.

 "Well I'm not going to any party" I started "The truth is I lived in faraway town and I don't know what we called that... my parents refuse they say anything coz they say I shouldn't be there"

cassey listens all the way; a concern plastered in her face. Then I continued "Since I was young I was being ab-abused by my parents like every little bad things happened they throw it to me. I almost killed 8 times"
I hold the grip of the umbrella and added "Like I've born in a wrong time... I runaway to escape that life. Yesterday, as I walk through the dark alley something hit me so hard and I thought I lose my last chance to live"

The breeze blow stronger as we stand in front of their bungalow house. cassey unlocks the door and we get in. We exchanged look and she said slowly "I'm sorry to hear that Noah. You mentioned you're almost killed 8 times"

I nodded as I closed the umbrella and she skates to the kitchen. I sat in a couch staring at her bag on the small table. "Yesterday supposed to be my 9th" I said and sighed " I don't want to remember for a moment"
my ears twitched coz I heard her say 'wow' from the kitchen. I purred and finally feeling at ease.

cassey's POV

A moment pass and we don't realized the evening came with a rush. We eat early dinner together. 

Then  started my chores. I'm sweeping the floor and Noah speaks from behind 

"I love the tuna you cooked" I froze

then I turned my head at him. He said softly "I'm sorry sweetie if I surprised you again. I see you don't like it"
He was holding the plastic garbage and hop outside the door but the same time, my dad came step in with a narrowed eyes at me.

Did he saw Noah?

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