chapter 3

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A/N this chapter is gonna be a little longer. I'll try to be more active in updating this book Whoever still reads author's note; have a lovely day/night!

Feels like just few minutes ago I woke up from my slumber. In unexpected unison, neko and I spoke "Oh no!" I said while he said "Morning!" My head is still not in reality... that is my life when describe right now. Like beauty and madness collide.

I see his shiny purplish grey eyes looking at my face Then he spoke shyly "I'm sorry to surprise you" He turned around and sat on a chair. He must've carried me coz I get up from my bed
"It's okay" was my respond.

Neko remove the bandage from his left arm and then then in his right shoulder. His flexible enough to remove the plaster from his back. The adhesive just made a little sound.
"Thank you C-Cassey for saving my life" he said while staring at my I.D that was hanging on the wall. A red flashed in my cheek and I replied quickly
"You're welcome" then I looked down "what's your name?"
"I'm Noah and obviously a -neko" he said and return his look at me, smiling

"Noah" my eyes widen "You healed so fast"
"Hm as a half cat, we have that ability"

"Aw cool... by the way I'll prepare for my classes"
"can I go with you please?"

"You can't come with that look and you have to eat breakfast after my dad leave Better to stay here for the meantime" I gave a bright smile. Even we just met it feels like he's my brother.

"Okay Cassey, till my tail will be okay from being fractured" He moves his crooked tail. I nodded genuinely. Even I still feel sleepy there's a reason I want to go to school.

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