The Guardians

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"Wow. You got to be kidding me." Jack said as he looked around. Yetis grabbed him and one grabbed (Y/N). "Hey, hey! Let us down." The yetis set them back to their feet.

"I see the yetis treated you well." North said.

"Heh, yeah. I love being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal with my friend." Jack sarcastically said.

"Oh? Good. That was my idea." North casually stated, not catching the sarcasm. 'I see you meet Bunny obviously." Bunny was leaning onto the pillar, not even bothering to look up. (Y/N) gave a shy wave, fan-girling inside but kept it there, knowing the situation would be inappropriate.

"Obviously." Jack stated pulling (Y/N) beside him by the hand and not letting go.

"And the Tooth Fairy." The fairy flew up in front of them. 

"Hello Jack. I've heard a lot about you and your teeth." The fairy smiled with her smaller fairies flying next to her. Jack was confused and glanced at (Y/N).

"My, my what?"

"Open up! Are they really as white as they say?" Tooth opened his mouth and stuck her finger inside. "Huh! They really do sparkle like freshly fallen snow." (Y/N) giggled, catching Tooth's attention. "Oh! (Y/N), I already know how you are doing! A perfect smile as ever." (Y/N) blushed at the compliment.

"Thank you." (Y/N) said, giving her a happy smile.

"Come on girls." They flew away.

"And Sandman." The Sandman was asleep. "Sandy?" North nudged him. "Sandy? Wake up!" Sandy woke up, looking at the two very tiredly.

"Woah. Is anyone going to tell me why we are here? I don't think that (Y/N) wasn't meant to be here as well." Sandy stepped forward as Jack and (Y/N) crouched down, giving him their full attention. He made signs above his head too quickly for the two to understand. "Okay, not helping." They stood up and Jack let go of (Y/N) hand was had his back turned on the guardians. "I must've done something really bad to have you four together. Am I on the naughty list?"

"HA! On naughty list, you hold the record." North pointed at Jack.

"Am I on the naughty list?!" (Y/N) shouted scared.

"No, no. You hold the record of being on the nice list, no worry." North reassured the girl. (Y/N) exhaled, relieved and Jack chuckled. "But we can overlook Jack's. Now we are wiping with a clean slate."

"How come?" Jack raised an eyebrow at North as he walked back beside (Y/N). 

"Aw, good question." Bunny said.

"How come? I'll tell you how come!Because now you are guardian with (Y/N)!" (Y/N)'s eyes widened as yetis behind North, raised torches into the air. Music was played by the elves and the room showed decorations. (Y/N) backed into Jack and he kept her straight. Fairies tried to put a ceremonial necklace on their necks but they moved away. "This is the best part!" Elves were marching with their instruments and the yetis twirled the torches. Jack held (Y/N) close, who was extremely confused. The elves tried to put shoes on Jack, which made (Y/N) laugh at his reaction. A yeti handed North a huge book. Jack saw (Y/N) uncomfortable and narrowed his eyes. He lifted his staff up and slammed it on the ground. Ice covered the ground in a close radius. Everyone in the room looked at him shocked.

"What makes you think we want to be guardians. Let alone, how is (Y/N) able to become a guardian?" They were silent until North bursted out laughing.

"HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! Of course you do. Music!" An elf blow his trumpet.

"No music!" The elf threw his trumpet to the ground and walked away after pushing the one with the tuba.

"It's very flattering but you don't want me. Maybe Jack but not me." (Y/N) told them politely. 

"They don't definitely don't want me. You guys are hard work and deadline while I'm snowballs and fun times. I am not a guardian."

"I'm not either, I'm just an average human." (Y/N) turned and leaned over the railing, looking at the globe as Jack sat down.

"Jack, (Y/N) I don't think you understand what we do." Tooth touched (Y/N)'s shoulder and flew to the globe. "Every one of those lights is a child."

"A child who believes. And good or bad, naughty or nice, we protect them. Look (Y/N), you're right here in the North Pole." (Y/N) saw a single light in the North Pole and stared at it. 

"Aaah! Aaah!" Tooth had her fingers in Jack's mouth, looking at his shiny teeth. North walked away from (Y/N), who was still staring but something caught her eye. She walked away further into the workshop without no one noticing.

"Tooth, fingers out of mouth." 

"Oh! Sorry, there beautiful." Tooth flew away as Jack jumped down. 

"Okay. No more wishy-washy. Pitch is out there doing who knows what!"

"You mean the Boogeyman?" Jack asked. 

"Yes! When Pitch threatens us, he threatens them as well."

"All the more reason to pick someone more qualified."

"Pick? You think we pick? No, you were chosen with (Y/N)! Like we were all chosen. By Man in Moon."

"What?"Jack faced them. 

"Last night, Jack, he chose you." Tooth added.

"Maybe." Bunny interfered.

"Man in Moon...He talks to you?"

"You see, you cannot say no. It is destiny." North tells Jack.

"But why wouldn't he tell me that himself?" Jack sighs, running his fingers in his hair. "After 300 years this is his answer? To spend eternity like you guys, cooped up in some hideout thinking of new ways to bribe kids? No, no. That's not for me!" Jack yelled looking at the moon. Then, he looked at the Guardians with innocence. "No offense."

"How is that not offensive?" Bunny walked up in front of the Guardians. "You know what I think? I think we just dodged a bullet. I mean, what's this clown know about bringing joy to children anyway."

"Uh, you ever hear of a snow day? I know it's no hard-boiled egg, but kids kids like what I do."

"But none of them believe in you, do they? You see, you're invisible, mate. It's like you don't even exist."

"(Y/N) does. (Y/N) believes in me, kangaroo."

"What did you just call me? I'm not a kangaroo, mate." They stepped closer to each other.

"Oh, and this whole time I thought you were. If you're not a kangaroo, what are you?" They leaned closer, glaring at each other.

"I'm a bunny. The Easter Bunny. People believe in me."

"Well, (Y/N) believes in me. That's all I ever need."

"Uh, speaking of which, where is she?" Tooth asked, looking around. They all looked around with (Y/N) nowhere in sight.

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