The New Chosen Guardians!

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In the North Pole, 300 years after Jack Frost was born, North was in his office humming a cheerful tone. He set down a block of ice on the table and sawed it in half with a chainsaw.

"Still waiting for cookies!" He shouted to the elves that were eating his cookies on the ground. The stopped and looked up in alert. North sat in his chair pushed himself to his desk, nearly hitting the elves as they had set the cookies back onto the plate. He grabbed a tiny hammer and began his work. He made a ice train and held it up with pride. He blew the remaining ice and set it on his ice train tracks. "Yes" He chuckled as the train started and saw the cookies. "Ah, finally!" One of the elves ate one but the other told him to spit it out which he did on the plate. Nevertheless, North grabbed one and took a bite. He hummed in delight and laughed when the train took off in the air which now had boosters making it fly close to the door. 

Suddenly, the door opened by a yeti, smashing it into millions of pieces. North gasped at the train with disappointment as the yeti covered his eyes. Both looked at it in horror. North then sighs. "How many times have I told you to knock?" The yeti spoke in gibberish with urgency. "What? The Globe?" North grabbed his sword and headed out to the Globe with elves crowding the floor. "Shoo with your pointy heads." They made a pathway for North to get past. "Why are you always under boot?" The lights on the Globe flickered. "What is this?Have you checked the axis? Is rotation balanced?" Black sand covered the Globe from the top, swirling around wind that lifted up loose paper. Then, it gathered and poofed away. Everyone looked at it in confusion. The sand went past the yetis behind North quickly and formed into the figure of Pitch, laughing around the Globe. North looked closely. "Can it be?" He was hit by realization. "Dingle! Make preparations. We are going to have company." North turned on the beacon, which were the Northern Lights that came from the Globe.

Far away, a fairy was collecting a child's tooth from his pillow. Others flew to Tooth's Palace with Tooth ordering her other fairies to different locations in a rapid pace. Ones that came back with the teeth, put them into their respective containers of specific children. A fairy flew over to Tooth which made Tooth turn around to see the Northern Lights. She gasped and was on her way with four fairies as the others worked. 

"My fellow Guardians, it is our job to watch over the children of the world and keep them safe." Golden dream sand was above a little girl's head as she dreamed of playing soccer. "To bring wonder, hope, and dreams. And so I have called us all here for a reason, and one reason only." Sandman was on his cloud, making dreams. "But the children are in danger." Sandy turned around and saw the Northern Lights and turned his cloud into a airplane, flying to the North Pole. Bunny was hopping through his tunnel. "An enemy we have kept at bay for centuries has finally decided to strike back. We alone can stop him." Bunny made it to the North Pole and stood up, inhaling deeply before shivering. 

"Oh, it's freezing!" Bunny hopped in the snow to the workshop. "Oh, I can't feel my feet. I can't feel my feet!"

North was in the workshop as everyone was arriving. "Cookies? Eggnog? Anyone?" Bunny came in.

"This better be good, North." Sandy was the one to arrive last.

"Sandy, thank you for coming." Sandy made symbols on his head. "I know, I know. But I obviously wouldn't have called you all here unless it was serious." Tooth hushed her fairies to listen. "The Boogeyman was here! At the Pole!" Tooth gasped.

"Pitch?" She asked. "Pitch Black? Here?"

"Yes. There was black sand covering the Globe."

 "What do you mean, black sand?" Bunny stammers, stopping from painting an egg.

"And then a shadow!"

"Hold on, hold on. I thought you said you saw Pitch."

"Well, uh, not exactly."

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