A Night To Remember

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Jack dropped (Y/N) off at her house ten minutes ago and she was now in Jamie's room as he was telling their mom about their little adventure today.

"We went sledding on the road and we barely missed cars that were coming at us! Then, there was this hill that made us fly until we landed on a pile of snow. It was amazing. Oh! Then, that's when I got hit by a sofa! See? My tooth is gone!" Jamie showed Sophie that was sitting on (Y/N)'s lap. (Y/N) was smiling and Sophie pointed her finger at the space in his teeth, giggling. "Where did you go, (Y/N) after that. I didn't see you."

"I was hanging out with a friend that I just met today. Guess who he is."

"Your friend is a boy?" Jamie asked as (Y/N) nodded her head. "Mike?" (Y/N) shook her head. "Kevin? Henry? Ken? Fred?" (Y/N) shook her head again. "I give up. Who is he?"

"It was Jack Frost! He is real, Jamie! I'm telling you. He has white hair, blue eyes, wears a dark blue hoodie, black pants, and wears no shoes! He's the one that helped us during the sleigh adventure!" Jamie raised an eyebrow at her as she jumped on the bed excited with Sophie.

"I don't believe you." (Y/N) stopped jumping and looked at him in disbelief as she lowered herself onto the bed.

"Why not?" She asked sadly.

"I mean if he was real, why haven't we heard of him in stories like the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy?" 

"He doesn't remember his past and no one was able to see him to tell his story if he did."

"Nope, don't believe it."

"Okay, tooth under pillow?" Jamie focused on their mother with his robot night light at hand. He set it on his desk and turned on the switch.

"I'm ready." (Y/N) was sad but gave a smile, knowing he's talking about the Tooth Fairy.

"Don't stay up to late trying to see her Jamie. She won't come." Jamie had his flashlight on, shining the ceiling. 

"But I can do it this time. Do you want to help me Soph? We can hide and see the Tooth Fairy! How about you, (Y/N)?" (Y/N) shook her head.

"Hide, hide, hide!" Sophie responded.

"No, off to bed to guys." Their mom picked up Sophie and Jamie groaned, laying back on his bed. (Y/N) looked outside the window to see Jack upset that made her frown.  Jack gave her a reassuring smile before heading to the roof.

"There's something I am doing wrong." He looked at the moon. Can you...can you just tell what it is? Because I've tried everything. And no one ever sees me until today. I am happy that I finally found someone but I feel like there's more I need. You put me here. The least you can do is tell me. Tell me why." He stared at the moon with hopeful eyes but nothing. Jack was about to jump when he heard someone.

"Jack?" He turned around and flew to the window below him. He saw (Y/N) with her window open and she was looking at him leaning onto the side. "I'm sorry that my brother didn't believe in you. I though he would since I basically tell him stories that he instantly believes in. I don't know why. I'm sorry." (Y/N) had her head down, shamed. Jack looked at her softly and lifter her head up with his staff. They looked at each other. Jack pulled his staff back and offered his hand to her.

"Come on, let's go exploring. Don't you want to fly?" Jack said, smiling. She smiled and laid her hand onto his. He lifted her up and held her by the waist. He jumped to the cable wires nearby. He left ice where his foot was. He pulled away and held both of her arms and guided her as she struggled to balance. Suddenly, a golden sand pasted them.

"What is that?" (Y/N) asked Jack. He pulled her closer. 

"Sandman is right on time." Jack said making (Y/N)'s eyes widen.

"The Sandman? He is real?" Jack nodded and (Y/N) reached out her hand to touch the sand passing by. It turned into a dolphin at swirled around them and did a trick. (Y/N) giggled. 

"This is beautiful." (Y/N) watched them in amazement as Jack looked at her.

"Yeah, beautiful."

What they didn't know what that in Cupcake's room lurked the Boogieman, watching her unicorn dream. 

"Oh, I thought I had a glance of an unicorn. What an adorable dream. And look at her. Precious child. So sweet, so full of hope, wonder. Why there is one thing missing. A touch of fear. Heeeh, heeeh, heeeh." He turned her dream into a nightmare and she whimpered.

"It never gets old. Fear, fear, fear, come on. Come on that's right. Yes." The dreamsand turned into a sand nightmare horse. "Pretty little nightmare. Now, I want you go tell the others, 'the wait is over'." The nightmare ran out of the window through the city. Pitch was now in an alley way. "Don't look at me like that old friend. You must have known this day would come. My nightmares are finally ready. Are your guardians?"

The dreamsand disappeared as (Y/N) and Jack were sitting on the cable wire, talking random things when suddenly a black figure rushed past them. (Y/N) was about to fall backwards but Jack caught her on time. He grabbed her by the waist and jumped after the figure. They were in a tree looking and I rushed past them again. They managed to trace it back to the alley behind the store. Jack jumped down. He pulled (Y/N) behind him and had his staff out ready to fight.

"Stay behind me." Jack told (Y/N) as she nodded. 

"Hello, mate." They turned around facing a dark figure hidden in the shadow. He was tossing his boomerang up in the air and catching it. "Been a long time. Blizzard of 68, I believe." He walked into the light to show a big bunny, more specifically The Easter Bunny. "Easter Sunday, wasn't it?"

Jack put his staff down but had (Y/N) behind him. "Bunny. You're still not mad about that, are you?"

Bunny glared at Jack. "Yes. But this is about something else. Fellas." A yeti picked up Jack and another picked up (Y/N).  Bunny didn't notice (Y/N) as he was staring at his boomerang.

"Pick us down!" Jack protested and they were stuffed into a sack. They got tangled up together.

"What happening?" (Y/N) asked Jack who was centimeter away from having their mouths touch.

"I don't know." Jack turned his head away. The yetis through a snow globe down, showing the North Pole. One yeti turned to Bunny asking if he was coming.

"No. Heh, heh, heh. Not a nilly. See you back at the pole." Bunny stomped on the ground and a hoel appeared. He jumped into it, leaving a flower. The yeti through the sack into the portal and ran behind it. The sack landed onto the ground very harshly.

"Ouch..." (Y/N) said.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah just bumped my head. I should be fine. It wouldn't have caused a concussion." The bag was opened, revealing two elves. They looked at Jack and (Y/N) curiously as Jack was on top of (Y/N). Jack rolled off of (Y/N) and she rolled onto her stomach so they were facing opening side by side on their elbows. What they saw made (Y/N)'s eyes wide. There was Santa Clause, Sandman, and the Tooth Fairy!

"Aw, there he is. Jack Frost" Santa Clause said in a Russian accent. He looked at (Y/N) before his eyes widened then smiled at the girl who had her mouth open wide. "Two in one! (Y/N) Bennett! Welcome!"

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