Masquerade -13-

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Chapter Thirteen

The anger

The sudden look of anger in his eyes was indescribable. He didn't say anything; he just watched my face, looking for any reaction. My mouth kept opening and closing, unable to form any words. He closed his eyes as he slowly stood up, leaving me.

"Wait!" I pleaded. In return he put his hand out to silence me. I watched him as he opened his eyes and looked me over. Before I had time to realize what was going on, he grabbed my wrist and started dragging me down the alleyway. I didn't utter a word. At this moment I was feeling adventurous, eager, and afraid.

I was stumbling over tree roots once we reached the edge of the forest, trying to keep up with his constant dragging. I could barely hear the town's music anymore; we were getting to far deep into the woods. It took all about five minutes, to realize we were heading to the small clearing by the creek, the place where everything happened.

Once we were there, he let go of my wrist viciously, as he continued to walk towards the water's edge. All I could hear was the water moving against the rocks, a few birds in the back ground, and his heavy deep breathing.

"Neville," I whined. "Say something..." He didn't say anything; he stayed silent, looking down at the water as I sat down on a large tree branch. The last time we were here, we had gotten caught by the guard. Now we are here, because I was stupid enough to get married.

"How could you?" He sneered. I could hear the anger in his voice; he turned to look at me. His eyes almost broke my heart by how intense they were. I was going to act innocent and ask him what he was talking about, but I couldn't run away from this... I couldn't run away from what I had done.

"I wanted to give you time, not for you to get married." He shouted. I heard a few birds fly away from the sudden noise. I looked at him, actually looked at him. His eyes were red, and it looked like he started to grow a beard. His face was pale, and he looked tiny compared to the last time we spoke. His shirt was dirty and his pants had been ripped.

"I did what was best." I sobbed, unknowingly. He scoffed and rolled his eyes, looking up at the sky.

"It's always about what's best." He stated, flicking his hand at me as he turned away from me for a couple of seconds.

"Well it's not my fault. If you wouldn't have left I never would have gone through with the wedding!" I snapped. He looked at me, disbelieving.

"How is this not your fault?" He questioned, it was easy for him to talk, almost natural and he seemed to be unembarrassed about it.

"You left me!" I yelled at him, getting off the tree and walking back up to him, getting face to face.

"I left so you could figure out what you wanted, not what you thought would make everyone else, besides me, happy!" He screamed. I was not going to back down from him.

"I thought maybe she'll wake up and see how madly in love with me you are. You would beg my mother to bring me back, constantly be thinking of me, and even praying I was coming back. When I found out that you were thinking about what china to get for a rehearsal dinner and what kind of flowers you should be getting, you don't understand what that did to me, Jane."

"I got married to Kyle because I thought you were never coming back..." I sneered silently. He gave out a loud laugh.

"So you settled with what you had, instead of believing I was going to come back? Come on, even I'm not that pathetic. If you truly did care you would have waited, came up with an excuse to postpone the wedding or, who knows... maybe not actually get married!" He scolded carelessly.

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