Let's go to work!

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It was 6 o'clock in the morning and Ray already got up. He was so excited that he immediately wanted to work but he couldn't until 9 o'clock. That was the reason why he first took a shower.

After showering he went back in his bedroom to change his clothes. Then he walked downstairs and ate his breakfast. He looked at the clock.
"Just 45 ticked away! Maybe I should call someone"
He thought about it for a short time and asked himself if it's not better to eat first something or to do both at the same time.
"I think I will do both", he decided and began to prepare his breakfast while calling Ryu.

It didn't took long until Ryu picked up.
"Hey, it's me. Are you already awake?"
"You waked me, but actually I wanted to sleep." Ryu seemed on edge.
"Oh I'm sorry. Should I let you sleeping?"
"Hello? You waked me now. Do you really think that I still want to sleep? Ah~ anyway. Why did you call me?"
"Well.... I didn't want to feel bored until I can leave my h....." Ray couldn't finish his sentence because Ryu interrupted him.
"WHAT??? Are you serious??? Just because you felt bored, you called me so early and disturbed me while sleeping!!! You could also watch tv or do other things or call another person!!!" Ryu was really angry now.
"Yes I know but then I felt bored anyway. I'm sorry but I must hang up now because the doorbell rang."
"Ok bye. See you later."

Ray went to the door and opened it. It was the postman.
"Good morning. Here is a packet for you. "
"Good morning. Thank you but actually I didn't expect any packet. "There was someone who came to me and told me to give this to you."
"How did this person look like?"
"Oh well... it was a boy and not that tall maybe around 174cm. He wore white clothes and seemed so friendly. That's all I know. I'm sorry that I can't tell you more. Do you know him?"
"No, I don't. Thanks for the informations."
"You're welcome. So I have to go now. I wish you a great day!"
"Thank you again. The same for you."

Ray went back into his house and put the packet on the small table in his living room.
"Should I open it???" Ray was uncertain about it. He didn't know what to do now. On the one hand he wanted to know what was in this packet, on the other hand not.

"It's only half past seven. It think I will call someone and ask him what to do. "
He called his bestfriend Kang Jun. Suddenly he heard a ringing in the living room. Meanwhile he went back in the living room, he hung up and the ringing stopped too.
Ray quickly searched for a pair of scissors and opened the packet as fast as possible.

In it he found Kang Jun's smartphone and took it out. When he powered it on, he saw that there was blood on it. He looked back in the packet and found a letter too with these written sentences:

'Do you miss your friend? I hope because you will never see him back again. I wish you a lot of fun with your work. We will certain have so much fun together. So I hope to see you soon.'

Ray was shocked. He sat down and tried to forget the thought that he will never see Kang Jun back again. When he watched on the clock, it showed 10 before 8.
In fact he didn't want to go working there anymore but he also didn't want to disappoint his friends. That's why he hit the road to the psychiatry.

During the way he thought on his bestfriend and had sometimes the feeling to cry. When he was nearly there, he tried to look more happy. Then he saw already some friends standing there and went at their direction without showing his real emotions about that what earlier happened.

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