
"I don't understand why you are so jealous my love. The doppelganger is simply a means to an end." He tried reasoning with me after he had to place a kiss upon the doppelgangers cheek. His hand went to grab my arm, but I slapped it away in a fit of anger, my temper could get as bad as his if I let it.

"If she is a means to an end then why not just compel her, keep her locked up somewhere. Why do you insist on making moves on her?" He went to speak but I cut him off. "No Niklaus! You get extremely and overly possessive when another man so much as looks in my direction, and yet the second I have the slightest dislike at the fact the you are courting and kissing another woman, It's suddenly stupid to be jealous! Unreasonable and distrustful! I'm sick of it!" He looked down and sighed knowing that all of my words were true. But the next words that came out of his mouth angered me to a new level of rage.

"Anything for the doppelganger. She is my number one priority for the moment, and if you don't understand, than you can leave." I almost lunged at him, but caught myself. I didn't understand, and he told me himself, to leave.

"Fine." He sighed out what sounded like a sigh of relief, probably thinking I was letting it go, and right as I was about to tell him goodbye, Elijah burst into the room.

"The doppelganger has escaped! She ran!" Of course he started fighting and blaming everything and everyone in sight. But after he was done placing blame, and ready to start hunting, he turned to me expectantly, like I was supposed to help him rescue his little human.

"Well? Are you going to help or just stand there, or are you going to help me get her back?" His voice told me not to provoke him, but I was still pissed, and there was no way in hell he was getting let off the hook this time.

"Anything for the doppelganger, right Klaus?" He then realized his mistake, I only ever called him Klaus when I wanted nothing to do with him, I usually ended up leaving shortly after that. And leave I did, walked right out of his grasp, letting him know with a simple look that he couldn't make this up by just being the perfect lover for a couple of hours.


The high school gym was flooded with drunken teens and chaperone teachers who looked like they wanted to be anywhere but here. All but a man who looked slightly familiar, who was dancing with teenage girls like he was one of them. I paid no mind as Ethan and I joined the group of people we had walked out on only two hours ago. Damon and I locked eyes, him and I both still angry at each other, and quickly looked away.

"Tonight, we have a special shout out." A girl stood on the stage holding a microphone and a cheeky smile. "To Rose," I choked on my drink and looked around frantically, terrified, knowing that only one person had ever called me Rose in my entire life. "From, Klaus." I felt all of the dysfunctional groups eyes on me and I felt Ethan's hands on me, steadying my panicking figure. "Miss Anna?" I looked at Ethan, his face soft and careful. "Care for a dance?" He was drawing me away from the group, giving me time to get a grip, and I silently thanked him for that.

I slipped my hand into his extended one. "I would love one." He led me away onto the dance floor to dance to the slow song that had just come on. "Thank you." He gave me a slight nod as a "You're Welcome" and kept dancing to the beat of the song. I was beginning to calm down, and went to ask Ethan where he learnt to dance, when a hand tapped my shoulder. I turned to see the brunette from earlier looking down at me.

"Mind if I cut in?" The brunette sounded unsure, and Ethan looked to me, asking if I wanted to. I looked around, searching for any wandering eyes, and finally decided to let him share a dance with me, having a feeling it would be important.

"Why don't you go get something to drink, Ethan?" It was more of a statement than a question. He just nodded in response and let me into the other man's arms.

"I don't believe we've met. I'm N-Ric, uh Alaric Saltzman, you can call me Ric." He stuttered and looked away, as his hands went to my hips and my arms around his neck.

"Well nice to meet you Alaric, I'm Emily." He gave me a look of confusion, like he knew something he shouldn't have. "You can call me Em if you want." He nodded.

"What was the 'Rose' thing about?" I could tell I looked surprised. "I saw how you reacted, you tensed up, I also heard that you knew the originals, I kinda put two and two together." I nodded.

"Well if you must know, which you don't need to but I guess I'm feeling a bit generous, I did know them. Me and Niklaus used to be quite close at times." I paused thinking of how to word my next sentence. "But something happened and I needed to leave, I knew he wouldn't just let me leave, he was too selfish and temperamental to let that happen." He tensed at this, and everything slowly started to peace together, I was so close to figuring out why a man I had never met was acting this way. "So, I faked my death, I left and only two people knew I was even alive. But something else happened, and I slipped up, and Niklaus had seen me. Ever since then he has chased me all over the world." I started laughing remembering the look on his face when he tripped, just letting me slip through his fingertips.

"So, he's been chasing you for centuries just because you left him, it had nothing to do with him, Oh I don't know being in love with you, or maybe even missing a friendship you might have had." And then it clicked, I didn't tell him those things, he seemed uncomfortable at the distance between me and Ethan, and the 'N-' sound when he went to introduce himself.

"It seems this song has stopped... Ric." I said, and he was reluctant to let go. He knew that I knew, he was playing with me.

"I guess it has, Miss Rosewood." That confirms it, the man I was dancing with was Niklaus. "I look forward to seeing you again sometime soon." I decided if he was going to play games than I could too.

"I wish I could say the same." A look of pain flew across his face, before it turned to one of mischief and dare I say it, joy?

"We'll see about that, love." It sounded weird when it came out of this man's mouth, he didn't have the right accent to make it do the things it used to do to me.

He walked away with a smirk that did not look good on this vampire hunters face. I swiftly checked to see if Ethan was still there, and I looked to see him dancing with Caroline, so I let them be and headed towards the hallways to leave. I didn't want to be here when Niklaus decided to drop by to talk again. As I walked down the hallways I almost reached the exit when I felt it.

I could feel the searing pain through my whole body, I looked over to see a male witch, the pain was increasing when I doubled over onto my knees in pain. "That's enough, Maddox." I heard his voice and realized I was too late. "Hello, Little Rose." I just layed on the ground and looked up at him. "Oh don't be like that sweetheart, we both knew you weren't gonna get away that easily." I just glared at him. "What, after the last time..." He came closer and lifted my chin, making me look him in the eyes. "And now that I've got you... you're never getting away again." He kissed me on the forehead right before everything went black, I'm assuming courtesy of his little witch friend.


What do you think of Klaus's entrance?

Flashbacks galore, I know. I guess I'm just a sucker for a good backstory.

What's your opinion on Ethan?

How are you liking the book so far? Questions, Comments, Concerns? I would love some feedback.

I know I'm a slow writer, and I apologize for it..

So I moved again, which means I don't have wifi again, which means everything comes out slower again.. But i'm working on it. I have my laptop, charger, paper and pencil if I need to. You'll keep getting updates, especially the ones that just needed some editing.

Not much else to say on my end, but I hope you had/have a great day!

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