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I was stupid. I was so damh stupid! I even didn't really knew why i did this.It was like the day when i outed myself to my dad; Moments when i don't think at all and then later regret it (more or less).I just had told my mom that i want to start ice skating and of course she was delighted "it's great that you finally want to try a new sport." I mean , she got a point.Usually i hide in my room painting or writing poetry. I'm a sunlight avoiding  coach potato with social anxiety.

Whatever, now i am going to go to an ice skating training next week. I not just felt bad because i was scared, but  also because it is was a really expensive to train there and although we didn't have any money issues,we are not the richest  family. But my mom was so happy that i wanted to try something new. I even could convince her that i didn't want to go to the beginner lesson, because 'there would be only little kids'. I wrote Bell a WhatsApp message about what just happend and i got a crazy ammount of heart-smilys back.But i felt way more like the skull-smily. I almost could hear somebody in the background ironicly capping and saying :Very good!Let's  run into the next embarrising situation.

The blanked over my head i ignored the fact that i had school tomorrow.My eyes were tired but i kept starring into the blue light of my moblie phone.The voice had no interresd in shuting up and so I stood up almost the whole night watching ice skate videos on YT to 'prepare myself' but the more i watched the more insecurd i got .The things they could to were insane. Even if the trainig would be only half as difficult as the things i saw online i still would break all my bones for sure.The next day i was tired and still really anxious about it. I told Amin was i was going to do and this facial expressions looked exactly like i felt. "Bro,i really hope he is worth it.." "I just hope that i'm not going to die. Maybe you can start writing me a get-well-soon card because i'm pretty sure i'm going to break my legs. "


hiii, finally i'm going to comment something : )  Firstly i hope you all liked it until now. Please write what you think. I'm apologazing , but i'm afraid i can't upload regulary but i promise i'm going to be finished with the story in a few month .I'm also sorry for wrong spelling/grammar but i focus on the story and i'm too lazy to double check ...

I'm sure you can already tell that our poor Lukas is going to walk directly into the next catastrophe ,so stay excited for the next chapter ; ) 

Maybe next time i come up with some kind of cheesy but original greeting, 


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