Part 50 - Apollo Arthur Hamilton

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"I was thinking about moving out to Seattle" he said as i walked closer to him.

"Why?" I frowned.

"I think I'm going to have plenty of work there, and I'm going to be so tired if i have to go back to La everyday" i said.

I walked closer before sitting on his lap, he put his hands around my waist while i was thinking about what he just said.

"I actually feel sad that i have to leave my friends and family if we move out but, if that's what you want then I'm okay" i said.

"I'll follow you wherever you go" i said to him.

"But I'll think about it" he said before kissing me on the cheek.

"Hey you have to see this?" He said then i smiled.

"What?" I asked him.

I leaned my back into his chest then rest my head on his shoulder, i was laying comfortably on top of him. His hands were showing me a news and i could see the pictures of us from our wedding night, and it says

"What are you both doing on your wedding night Mr and Mrs Hamilton?" The title said.

"They don't really know it is our thing" i laughed.

"Yeah" he said.

He put away his phone before turning me around to look into his eyes which were sparkling and were so blue. He was looking at me like i was the only object inside of the room, i felt so luck to have my teenage boyfriend to be my husband now.

He's everything that I want, he was ridiculously handsomely hot, he has a beautiful warm carrying heart and he's super smart I couldn't ask for a bette husband than him.

He could be cold but i felt so precious to know the warm side of him, i love to see him smile and I'm glad that he could share it with me. I couldn't wait to share the rest of my life with this man in front of me, he was all that i want all that i need.

He's been there since the start, and i knew he will be there until the end of me. He's my first ever kiss and probably going to be my last, I was glad that I'm the luckiest girl he choose.

I still remember the night where his family came into my house to discuss about the arrangement where I couldn't stop crying.

The scene that we stole when no one's around, every night that we spent in my home theater, the place where he stole my first kiss. The place where we realized that we have feelings for another, the place where I finally being opened to someone.

The person that was there when i lost my dad, the person that always taking a good care of me. I remember when i was sick in our vacation, he held my hair when i threw up, he carry me when i was weak. The person that i shared my happiness with.

He's my captain, he's the most responsible captain even he accidentally hit me with some stupid ball but i still remember how was it when he took a good care of me. When he left his practice to drove me home cause i was too dizzy to drive all by myself. He's also the first person who successfully made me watch a scary movie, my best friend.

His hug, the way his hands wrapped around my body the way he put his chin on top of my head and the way his lips brush against my skin always made my cheeks feel warm. I found home in his arm, i found everything in him my life is complete, i feel so blessed, he's my everything, my best friend, a partner, and most importantly

I'm falling for my Ex Fiancé - (BOOK 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora