23 - (Y/N)'s Unexpected Saviors

Start from the beginning

"Kirishima! You of all people are going to be fine here, there is no hope for the rest of us!" Ashido wailed as they were packed even closer together.

"Ow!" Sero yelped as he was elbowed harshly next to Ashido, "guuuuuuys, if I don't make it, please tell my mum I love her!"

They were shoved closer together than before for a few seconds before Ashido burst.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!" Ashido yelled dramatically, and (Y/N) didn't have any doubts that if she could, she would have dropped to the floor on her knees, clutching at her chest to make her statement more legit.

She would have laughed if she didn't suddenly feel a hard shove, causing her to stumble forward and bury her face into Kaminari's chest.

She could feel her cheeks heating up rapidly as she turned her face away embarrassedly, trying to get more space between them, only to fail as she realised she was sandwiched between him and Kirishima.

"KAMINARI YOU IDIOT STOP SMILING!" she heard Sero wail, causing her cheeks to get even redder.


"KAMINARI IF WE GET OUT OF THIS I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" Ashido fumed, trying to pull (Y/N) closer to her instead, her efforts futile.

(Y/N) felt Kaminari shift his arms, trying to make himself comfortable, lifting them over their heads.

"If you put those arms around me you're dead, sparky," (Y/N) muttered dangerously, low enough for him to hear.

She felt him stiffen and slowly shift again, trying to keep his arms away from her, making her relax slightly.

However, (Y/N) still felt sick and unbearably hot, finding it hard to breathe when finally there was a sudden yell.

"EVERYONE, EVERYTHING IS FINE!" she faintly recognised the voice as Iida's "It's just the media! There is nothing to panic about!"

As Iida assured the students that everything was alright, (Y/N) finally raised her head. Everyone stopped shoving and simultaneously breathed a sigh of relief.

(Y/N) was finally able to shove herself away from Kaminari, causing him to let out a disappointed "awww."

Kirishima elbowed Kaminari, "you enjoyed that way too much, dude, not manly."

"I did not! I enjoyed that a perfect amount, thank you very-"

"Don't even finish that sentence," Ashido warned, turning to (Y/N), "are you okay?"

(Y/N) nodded shakily, her nerves calming now that she had room to breathe. "God, yes, thank you so much! I don't know what I would have done without you, I'm not great in big crowds," she admitted, fidgeting slightly.

"It was nothing," she heard Kaminari interject, his smile practically audible.

She turned to glare at him, "don't go get any ideas, Pickachu."

"Hohoho, shot down," Sero said with a laugh as they slowly made their way back in.

Ashido threw her arm around her, "no problem! You looked like you needed a hand, I'm always here to help!" she said with a big smile.

"Woah, thanks Ashido-san," (Y/N) said, feeling a surge of gratitude for her.

"No problem! Call me Mina, if you want."

"Call me (Y/N), then," she replied with a smile, feeling incredibly thankful to this queen.

She spent the next few minutes of the break with them before things settled down enough for everyone to get back to class, no more mishaps for the rest of the day.

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