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"Why?" My voice cracks and I know it's from the hours I have spent crying.

His eyes are cold as he stares down at me, as I'm lying on the ground infront of his feets, begging for it all to end.

He stays silent, just as he has for the past twenty minutes since he arrived.

"Why me?" I ask the question that I have been asking myself for the past two months now, why did it have to be me?

"Please" I add as I can see in his eyes that he wasn't going to reply.

He frowns as he looks down at me and for a second I swear I see something in his eyes, regret or maybe compasion, I don't know and it's gone before I can decide.

"You were there" he shrugs and I can't help the sob that breaks out.

"So were the others, we were over forty people at that stupid party, why ME?!"

His eyes are cold as ice as they meet mine and I nearly cry out from the amount of hatred that fills them.

"Because you remind me of her" the words are spat out and I can feel the tears pick up again. So all of this is because of her.. a girl... who?

"Wait, what? So all of this..." I wave my hands around the room "... was because of some girl? Are you kidding me?! What girl could possibly be worth all of thi... Abigail?" My voice started out strong and loud but by the time realisation hit me it came out as a whisper.

He heard me though and within seconds I am pressed up against the wall and his face mere milimeters away from me, his fingers holding my jaw in place so that I can't look away from him and his other hand holding my waist in place.

"Don't you ever speak her name again!" He hiss and I can feel a shiver go down my spine from the power within his voice.

But then I remember the hell he's put me through these last months and anger fills me up once again.

"She left you, so what? That doesn't give you the right to go around and ruin someone elses li.." his hands are wrapped around my throat before I can finish and when I look into his eyes they're wild and I can't even recognize the man in them.

It's getting harder and harder to breathe and my attempts to loosen his grip has failed every time.

The irony is not lost upon me, that just an hour ago this man stopped me from taking my own life and now he's the one taking it.

I find humor in that thought and comfort in knowing that it will all soon be over. Just a little longer now...

I can feel my lips move into a weak smile as my vision starts to blur, it won't be long now, just a little more and it will all be over, just a little longer now Jaxon...

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