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The moment my feet touched the ground and I folded my leathery wings safely against my body, it was as if the time stood still

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The moment my feet touched the ground and I folded my leathery wings safely against my body, it was as if the time stood still.

I thought it was about my clumsy entrance, or the fact that I was so much bigger then the odd looking opponents currently strangling couple of Hydra soldiers. I stared ahead, taking in the oddly clothed people called Avengers.

"Damn that's intense." the same red metal man said, crossing his arms as he howered in the air slightly. Master Gavin jumped off my back with a small thud, I could hear the cracking in his spine as he tries to smooth down his hair.

"Ah, the famous son of Howard Stark." Master said, his voice filled with sweet malice. Being connected to everyone's mind, I realized there was a human being behind the red and golden robot. How could one get inside a bot was a question I did not have answers to. I looked at the bot, the man Master Gavin called son of Howard Stark. He was angry, I noted.

"Well, if that's what you you know me by, man, you haven't caught up to news at all, have you?" Stark said, his voice joyous. It bothered me, his muffled vice was snarky, but what laid behind the emotionless iron mask, was angst and pain.

The feeling was so strong I could almost feel the vibrations of it in the air.

Being drawn in by the man with attitude, I had almost missed his companions. As my eyes landed on the man with blue, red and white suit, I was startled by the rage I felt arising.
Noticing my distress, Master Gavin flashed me the device in the pocket. "Easy, my friend. You will get your share soon." he chuckled, playing it off as if he made me act that way.

I didn't pay him any mind, earning a small, almost nonexistent shock through the collar. I flinched, averting my gaze in front of me, wiping any trace of emotion from my eyes. “you know, Stark. Your father was magnificent. Thanks to his brilliant mind the first blueprints for the better future were  born. But you, what have you achieved? A hunk of metal that takes the shape of human body?” Master Gavin sneered, grinning at Stark. “Well your father--” master was unable to finish the sentence as a the red metal man fired a repulsor beam at him.

It was almost as if slow motion, the bright, blinding beam extended from his palm, it flew right towards masters face. Unable to control my movement, I shielded the head of Hydra with my long neck, taking the hit right against my right, scaly cheek. I closed my eyes, biting the inside of my cheek.

Master Gavin pushed me aside, his eyes filled with anger. “You are nothing like your father! You're a sad shadow of the man your father was. What a pity. All you've caused is chaos and danger, and danger shall be eliminated.” with those words, the two jets lowered on the ground, armed agents pouring out.

I tensed, gritting my teeth at the burning on my neck. “Stark, take it from the skies.” the man with blue, white and red suit said, his eyes resting on my agitated form.

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