Chapter 3: Vday

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"Hey!" Someone yells at me while I'm at my locker getting ready to go home. I turn around and see one of my best friends, Caroline, from class. "Hi! What are you doing with Miranda tonight for Valentine's day?" I ask. "Well I was planning a romantic dinner, but then I was telling Miranda about it and she said no I'm planning it, hun. So I just went with it and went to class." I smile. I ship Caranda all the way. They're adorable. "Catch up with you later? I got to talk to Josh at his locker real quick.." I say. She nods and says, "What's up with you guys, anyways?" "I'll tell you about it later. Gotta go! See you soon!" I yell as I run down the hall. She waves and runs in the opposite direction. "Alright then." I say to myself. I run and turn a corner and hit Troye. He stops me and says, "Woah, runner. I thought you were just a skater!" He laughs and continues, "Where are you off to?" "I'm kind of in a hurry. I'll call you?" I say. And I run without an answer. I can see the disappointment in his eyes as a run away. I run as fast as I can and I feel the speed each time my left foot hits the ground. I finally see Josh at his locker and slow down. He closes it and I jog up to him. "Hey!" I say with a smile. "Hey.. About tonight..." I interrupt. "No! Don't tell me a thing about it! I'm sure it'll be perf-" He interrupts me saying, "No.. That's just the thing. I'm- uh.. I'm grounded.. Yeah.. Grounded.." He says. I see what he's doing. He obviously doesn't want to go out with me. "It's fine. I was looking forward to it, but it's fine.. I'll just.. I guess make other plans." I say. He nods. He waves and runs off and locks hands with another girl. Like I didn't see, honey.. Guys.. Sometimes I hate them. I run to my car almost in tears. "I'm strong, I'm strong! Jo, don't let a stupid, cute, amazing, funny, nice, guy get to you.. See you're doing it again, Jo!" That's when I begin to cry. Luckily for me, I see Troye beginning to walk my way. "Oh, honey!" He says. He doesn't say anything else. He just hugs me until I begin to calm down. He kisses my forehead and volunteers to take me home. I agree. We drive for a couple minutes and then Troye says something. "So do I need to beat this Josh kid or???" He says. I laugh and say, "No need. He's not worth it." He yawns and I scoot closer so he won't notice. "So.. Did you find a date for tonight?" I ask. "Yeah. I think so." He replies. "Oh." I say with disappointment. Then I continue. "Who with?" I ask. "Well. I was kind of hoping... You?" He says. I'm shocked, yet delighted. "Me? Of course!" I say with a smile and giggle. "Perfect. I'll pick you up at 8?" He says as we drive into my driveway. "Sure." I say and smile as he leaves. "Yes!" I yell. All the neighbors look at me like I'm crazy. I shoot them dirty look, then go back inside. When I sit down on my couch, I get a call. From who? Josh....

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