Day 1:Marsal:Another Day Another Experiment

Start from the beginning

She finally stopped with the breathing exercises and said,"YOU RAN OVER 5 PEOPLE!"

I said,"In my defense 4 were mutants and one stole from me."

"Someone stealing from you doesn't justify you killing them."

"Oh yes it does, especially when they sell it on the black market. Then you have the people who bought it and steal it back then try to stop them from killing you...Anyway it wasn't worth it"

We were almost near the boundaries from the city however, Elizabeth butted in,"That's quite a lot of purple smog."

Looking around I said,"Weird, I can swear it was grey smoky colour last time.Probably something radioactive or some deadly chemicals." I thought,'Why would she say that aloud I've been driving this vehicle so of course I would have seen it?For someone with a degree you sure are brain dead Elizabeth.....Oh right she was scared shit less but still.'

"Maybe, we shouldn't go there,it could be dangerous,"she quivered.

I questioned,"Why not?".

She said,"We might get killed." I could have told those were lies. Just last week we had to jump off a cliff and she did it willingly despite the chance  of death. Taking into account the lack of parachute.

I said, "Giant bugs."

She replied,"Yes."

"I need to have you for a therapy session. Oh yea, did I mention I was a therapist, too."

She guessed,"I'm going to say unlicensed."

"LIES!! It was revoked."

"Marsal, that's even worse."

I said,"Be quiet you, just put on the mask, and shut up."I floored the vehicle into the city.We went deeper and deeper(that's what she said) into the smoggy city as Elizabeth had a terrified face also a murderous one too.It reminded me of China; more like Bejing;chocking anyone without a surgeon's mask on or any mask on. Hovering; more like drifting through the area finding nothing but drug dealers, some crack heads running up and down the streets, somehow surviving the poisonous chemicals and some mutated insects. They were huge and human size and spider-like. I spotted a mother who could easily crush the vehicle, I was eager to capture and experiment on those fascinating creatures but, today I'm finding 'zombies' and avoiding the mothers(also I don't want to rebuild my vehicle AGAIN). I MIGHT have stored a specimen in a compact device which shrinks itself to pocket and whatever is in it WITHOUT killing IT. IF I did take one it MIGHT be a mother and it MIGHT be pregnant, and it would be perfect to test on, IF I had one. After countless blocks of dead corpses, gang members or smog, I thought,' They say the journey is better than the destination and, I say that's a lot of BULLSHIT!!. Seriously I can die of boredom, and that doesn't even describe it, more like hearing your great grandma repeat a story about her childhood over and over because she forgot she told it.' After a long time something made some noise or more like, screams of terror, which puzzled and intrigued me. My prize finally showed up some GOD DAMN ZOMBIES!! I was tearing up at the sight of it.

Elizabeth just had to say,"Are, are you crying?"

I looked at her,"No, it was smog in my eyes."

Elizabeth swung her arm,"You have a gas mask on"

"Its leaking."

"Then you would be dead."

"Be quiet you."

I hopped out the hovering vehicle, with a tranquilizer and one of those things animal control handle grips. The capturing process wasn't hard. Slow down, throw in cage, wiggle like you trying to make a fool of yourself, hella think I wanna Smash them, NOW, speed up, gas pedal, gas pedal, gas pedal all the way back to the building. The ride back wasn't entertaining at all; we were talking about the weather, in smog(just let that sink in. weather in a place where you can't see shit). Outside the smog? Overcast and slightly cold. Also we were singing(after I slowed down the vehicle).

We made it back in the building, up the elevator, through the hall, down the stairs, another elevator and a snack, then a eye and finger print scan then the labs.

The labs were what you'd expect, a white, sterile environment looked like some type of futuristic, sci-fi who-ha. It was quite boring at first, taking zombie flesh and testing it against many stimuli, and illegal chemicals such and such. I said,"All these tests say that these are in fact, not human but the UNDEAD."

Elizabeth came in(that's what she said),"OR..."

I continued, "Or undead corpses only controlled by some of the necessary parts of the brain, which includes eating and the right body temperature for them to survive. So can I do my shit now." We didn't find the way zombies are made but we'll research them tomorrow(or day after) but we found that living cells can exterminate the source of infection and disease, soo I didn't need to worry for the next test. Grabbing the bat I walked into the area where the 3 zombies were held.

"Marsal what are you..."

One at a time I smashed there skulls in; took couple of whacks. One by one they fell and each bloody mess got back up giving a scared almost frightened state like they could feel fear.


This was perfect.Smashing heads in like pumpkins on Halloween except these pumpkins had fear. There heads forming back like, one of those anger squeeze toys. The look on there rotting, bloody face was priceless, but it wasn't there for too long, or his organs or body. I looked down to see only a bloody stew of rotten skin."Well when I just started to have some fun." I went to the scientific shower, making sure I won't cause any problems with infections.

It burned just like lava, actual lava(don't ask it was a bad vacation in Hawaii).

Walking out I asked Elizabeth,"How was the show?" smiling. She looked very pale, like she saw a ghost.

"That was your test?"

I answered,"Yep."

"Remind me never let you do that again."

She dragged her feet towards her room keeping that same face. I looked at the clock '11:15pm'. I thought, 'It takes about an hour for me to fall asleep so I should hit the hay.'

Walking back upstairs to the dusty and dirty upper 'rooms'. I gave Elizabeth the lab rooms because I think she needs a clean room, especially since her old place is well.....yea.

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