A Moment of Us [Part 2]

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Third Person POV

While Haruna was getting ready in her room, Rina was eating her cereal at full speed like she's never done before. Furthermore, two people already stopped bickering with each other over some alien things and were now sitting with each other on the couch near the kitchen, whispering to each other.

"Did you hear that? They want to go to the amusement park." Tomomi softly said to Mami.

"Yeah so?" Mami said feeling a bit sleepy now after working all night.

"Let's spy on them!" Tomomi said excitingly, pulling Mami's arm.

"What for?"

"Trust me. It would be fun. You already finished your work right? If not, you wouldn't even have bothered to bicker with me earlier."

"But I'm tireeeddd and sleepppyyy!" Mami said hugging Tomomi. She buried her head on Tomomi's stomach, making Tomomi silent for a moment.

"..........Yeah I know.... Why didn't you wake me up last night? I could have kept you accompanied." Tomomi said caressing Mami's head and massaging her head. Focusing on the spot between her eyes. Her favourite spot.

"Well, I know you're tired too and you feel dizzy if I wake you up when you're having a good sleep. You didn't sleep talk last night, so I figured you must have been too tired and were having a nice sleep." Mami said closing her eyes and feeling Tomomi's hand massaging her head.

"So you lifted me up to our room? You know you shouldn't be doing that.... Your doctor said to not lift any heavy things for a while after you broke your arm from falling down the stairs a month ago."

"It healed already. Don't worry. And I'd rather have my arm broken than your back hurt from sleeping in that position." Mami said. Tomomi smiled softly at her and continued to massage and caress Mami's head gently.

"Yeah yeah. Okay.... Since you're tired, then let's just sleep in at home today, okay?" Tomomi said gently.

".........Actually no. Let's go spy them, okay?" Mami said as she thought about the conversation she had with Haruna earlier in the morning.

"Ah, why?" Tomomi asked surprised.

"Just feel like it. Okay, since we are the spy, we will go follow them shortly after they go. Let's use my motorcycle so we won't get stuck in traffic and lose them on the way. Now lady, please let me sleep for awhile since I would be driving." Mami said and then buried her head deeper onto Tomomi's stomach.

".............So stupid." Tomomi said smiling warmly and kissed Mami's head.

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