First Friendships

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It was late into the night and I was sitting on the roof of my father's bakery. I sat there and stared at the stars, sitting on the edge of the roof. I hear a 'poof' sound come from above me. I look up to see a small piece of paper float down and into my lap. I pick it up and unfold it.

"You have been invited to the Tournament of Elements. Go to the docks and tell no one.

~Master Chen"

I sit there for a moment and ponder whether or not I should go. I decide to go and go back inside to start packing my stuff. I have pretty good control of my powers since my grandma had taught me a little bit before she was taken. The rest I had figured out on my own. I decide to take a couple knives. My father walks in and knocks on the door frame.

"Oh, hey dad." I say glancing at him.

I guess he had seen the paper I left of the dining room table.

"So, you really want to go?" He asked, sounding worried.

"Yeah. I want to see what I can really do. I want to see what my generation of elemental masters is like."

"Your grandmother and I have told you about Chen right? He's no good. He's an evil tyrant."

"I know dad. You've said that. But if the others are anything like their parents, then they will stand up to him if something goes wrong." I say and hang my bag on my shoulder.

"Please be careful." He says and hugs me.

"I promise. I'll be fine. I love you." I say and hug back.

"I love you too." He says and let's go.

"Besides, you and GG have told me about the masters of water, fire, earth, ice, and lightning. If the ninja are there, then everything will be ok." I give him a reassuring smile.

"Alright. I trust that you will be safe. By the first spinjitsu master."

He gives me a kind smile and walks me to the door. We hug and say our goodbyes one last time, then I start heading to the docks.

Once I get there I see many other people. I see a girl with bright purple hair, a boy in white with red sunglasses on. As I'm looking around a figure appears right in front of me. I jump back in surprise and see a shirt, jacket, pants, a hat, and a pair of gold sunglasses.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you, though I have that effect on people sometimes." Said a male voice.

"W-who's speaking?!" I whisper not wanting people to think I'm crazy, at least not that kind of crazy.

"The hat and pare of shades standing in front of you."

I hear the same voice and see the figure reach out and touch my arm.

"Whoa! You're invisible!" I say in amazement.

"Heh yeah?" He chuckles sounding amused and slightly confused by my reaction.

"Sorry I've just never actually met someone with power like me, other than my grandma. I've only heard about the others." I rub the back of my neck a little embarrassed.

"It's alright. I'm Paleman, master of light, but you can call me Pale if you want."

He does a slight gentlemanly bow causing me to giggle a little.

"I'm Cortney, the master of electromagnetism."

He chuckles. "That's cool."

I smile and we continue talking until a man in purple and red clothing and black hair came from a boat.

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