The Truth and The Trio of Veelas

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It was a calm and peaceful post-mini on a London street, where our heroes met for the first time.

A boy, 2 or 3 years old, was sitting in the shadows, trembling as if he were at the North Pole so it was 25 degrees.

3 steps away, we saw a pair of twins of the same age, running at full breath, without turning around as if they had been pursued. Then, without shouting 1 or 2, they stumbled and fell in sync just in front of the bush where the other boy was hiding. They cried with one voice in this served street, seeing this, the boy in the shadows helped them to stand up and advance towards his hiding place. The twins still in tears, looked at their savior, he was small and puny, his brown hair looked like a beard to merlin, so they were tangled but all his faults were invisible hidden behind the innocent expression of his face and his green eyes mesmerizing, emerald greens. The other boy did not notice the looks of the twins, busy watching them too, dressed in weird but classy dresses, they had stiff blond hair and impressive gray eyes, gray of the storm where a few more tears fell. Noting these he shyly asked:

-Are you OK ?

-Yes, I'm fine, see you! So much so that you cry.

-And if you tell me, where are you hurting? Instead of whining like girls.

The twins, they looked at this young brown curiously, it was the first time that someone dared to answer them. In the same movement they smiled through their tears and showed their left knees. The brunette stooped and put his lips on the knees of the twins.

-It is better now ?

-Whoas, we hurt you, you do magic? who are you?

-Magic ?! Nah, no, I do not do magic, only I saw my tent do it to my cousin when he has a boob! I am Harry and you who are you?

-It's Angel and he's Draco. Why are you nice to us when we've been mean to you? Father says we must not be nice in front of everyone.

-I do not know, I do it that's all. You've been told that you're beautiful, "Harry said earnestly with the stars in his eyes.

This compliment made the twins blush, they stammered something like "thank you ... you too ... like you ...". These few words made our young brunet laugh, who had not even noticed that he had not trembled since their arrival. Draco whispered something to his twin, who nodded.

-Do you want to play a game? If you win, you can ask us what you want!

-True ?! Shaking of the head from the twins. It's okay if I win I want to marry you!

The twins who had the same idea hurried to nod.

-If you lose you do the woman but if you win you are the husband. Said Angel with a bright smile

-The game is simple, you have to guess who is who, you have the right to deceive you once, you win only if you have five good answers. Good start, close your eyes.

Three minutes later, the brown-haired man caught his fingers in the nose, but they did not stop, the twins because it was the first time anyone could tell them apart, and Harry because he thought it was a fun game; the twins were both different and the same, Harry himself could not explain. After 30 minutes of play, they finally stopped. Harry had done a no-fault.

-Harry, you know you're the first person to know us so well, you really deserve to be our husband. Said Angel, very happy to have a husband on these sides.

-We only ask one thing, you are to us and to us alone, okay? Said Draco seriously, Harry pretended to think before nodding briskly.

- Provided you too are yours alone.

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