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it's that time of the week again, namjoon has been anticipating this, every time the bell on the door rings he can't help but to look up so fast he's surprised he doesn't have whiplash

where is he? namjoon glances at the old clock, it's 4:32, he's usually here at 4:15 or 4:20 no later

he sats his face in the palm of his hands and fixates his eyes to watch the many customers who are looking around and making selections

maybe he's not coming today, the thought makes his heart ache, like the music of a great orchestra, woe is always me huh?

just then the bell rings again and he looks toward the door...and no, it's not the classically handsome pompous prince this time's a man the young witch has never seen before, in front of this man is a what appears to be a hobgoblin, the creature is dressed in a formal black suit and bow tie, also what appears to be a drivers hat

as the hobgoblin holds the door open for the man he walks in with an aura of phlegm yet at the same time he seems so


their eyes meet for a split second, a second that seems like eternity

he's eyes are so dark, i could drown in them

it's almost as though the man could read his thoughts as he saw the corner of his small mouth turn up into a fleeting smirk

the man continues on heading towards his aunties reading room

"excuse me sir, no entry, jessi is with a client at the moment" he says hesitantly, feeling slightly intimidated

the beautiful stranger glances back at him and...ignores him completely heading into the room not stealing another glance

a minute later the client who was in there originally walks out, albeit a little shaken ,and looking like there legs will give out beneath them, they manage to make there way all the way across the store and out the door

what was that all about? the young witch wonders, slightly regretting not asking if the individual was okay

he doesn't find out until an hour, one hundred customers, two angry to petrified pre scheduled clients, and two calming spells later when the hobgoblin makes his way out first, of course, followed by the mysterious man and his aunt

"oh, min yoongi baby ,visit me more often" her raspy voice rings out, gliding her finger from the top of the mans cheek bone to his chin, her red acrylics scraping against his skin

the customers stop at the sound of her, to look at such a grand and beautiful witch, fully enraptured by her , some berate themselves for even laying an eye on her

"but next time i won't forgive you for scaring away my customers chile, what's wrong witchu boy?" she laughs

"can't make any promises" his gravelly voice tumbled out, it kind of sounded like he was slurring his words, his mouth also made this cute pout when he spoke

cute? im really loosing it, he tried to shake the thought out of his head and the blood from his cheeks

before namjoon knew it the strange man, min yoongi , was leaving, not before sending him another quick glance and another infuriating smirk

fuck you min yoongi

as he left people split away like moses did the sea, his very own runway

his walk truly commanded the room

once the man actually left and people could breathe a little easier, not excluding himself, jessi made her way over to him, the sway of her hips and the wicked smile on her face meant she had good news

"joonie~ guess what?"

"w-" he began to say before being cut off

"we've been cordially invited to the first min annual, masqurade pila"


yay! 2k reads! where is my pulitzer prize? laughing my asshole off, jk. any who i would like to thank the same people who always vote and/or comment y'all know who you are and i appreciate it sincerely ♥︎

masqurade pila-masquerade ball

also, sorry for the late update, school has been kicking my ass and it's only been a few weeks

also, sorry for the late update, school has been kicking my ass and it's only been a few weeks

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