2.Santa Claus

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His finger wrapped around the trigger pointing towards his injured sister, lying against the cold ground.
He slowly moved his hand, aiming the gun towards his wife, her eyes swollen as streams of black tears flowed down her cheeks, smudging her thick mascara.
"Who did this?" He yelled in agony.
His mind tricking him with the grief of his decreased mother. Blood pooling from her lifeless body, staining his leather boots.
His other hand loaded his guns. "Tell me!" He screamed, his hands shaking with pain and trauma. "Stop this madness Steven!" her wife screamed in terror. "Who killed her?" Steven cried out.Don't make me do this", tears started rolling down his face.
That's it, he thought not willing to listen to the useless words coming out of his wife's mouth.
A bang echoed in the room followed by the groans from the body lying on the floor. He shot his sister.

"He shot his sister?" You jumped from the bed in disbelief.

"Even after all the evidences pointed towards his wife, he chose to kill his sister?" You argued to yourself.

What a dumbass!

"Was he so blinded by his wife's love that he couldn't notice the scratches on her arm, her obvious nervousness and her freaking bracelet lying near her freaking mother's dead body?!" You shrieked.

Uh! I should have read the review before buying this piece of shit.

You hurled the book on your bed, marching towards the bathroom to take a shower.

Your fingers wrapped around the bathroom's knob when you heard someone knocking on your bedroom door. You sauntered towards the door, opening it, revealing a smiling Rose standing at the portal.

"Hey!" She said, sounding like a chirping bird. "I was wondering if you could come out and hang out with me? ." She sounded a lot relaxed, her body leaning on the door frame and you concluded that she must be socially active with people.

"Yeah, that sounds great." You smiled to her.

You were walking out of your small little world when you remembered that you were about to take a shower.

"Rose!" You called out to her and she turned around to face you. "Could you just wait for 5 minutes, cause I was about to take a shower?" You asked her, to which she nodded and you both retreated back to your room.

She entered your room taking a look at the disaster "Holy Mother of Fu-" she was about to curse but stopped herself in time, covering her mouth with her hand.

You felt self conscious and embarrassed but before she could ask anything you grabbed your clothes making your way towards the bathroom.

You adjusted the temperature before stepping into the shower, letting the luke warn water run over your body.

I should have at least cleaned my room before letting her in. You thought.

But then you remembered that she is lazy herself and probably wouldn't mind it, so you shrugged the feeling without tensing yourself.

You stepped out of the bathroom to see Rose sitting on your bed completely relaxed.
It looked like she was actually in her natural habitat, mess. You chuckled at your thought and glanced towards her.

"Your room's a mess. Do you need any help?" She asked, remarking your room that looked like it had survived a post apocalyptic cyclone.

You took her offer as a polite gesture but quickly discarded is and said "Nah, it's really fine. I will manage."

She nodded her head and you both made it to the living room, slouching on the couch and devouring all the junks.

You really lost track of time while you were chilling with Rose. She is a pleasant person and you could already imagine being great friends with her in the near future. For someone like you, who is very poor at starting conversations, she is a perfect match. There weren't any awkward moments that usually new roommates share and you were one hundred percent sure that you weren't gonna have any trouble living with her.
She was fun, you liked her and you felt comfortable around her.

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