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you ran to the counter and tripped as you were just at the counter already 

you didn't looked at the person in-front of you because of embarrassment
But you have to be professional also so you faced him and said

"uhh hi sir goodmorning welcome to~"

"uhh hi sir goodmorning welcome to~"

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your eyes got bigger

it was Jungkook, someone that you've tried to forget had came back someone who completely & probably won't remember you was in front of you, the first guy you were in loved with, he's here standing in front of you with those innocent eyes of him, as you pretended to be innocent too even if you wanna burst and hug him after all this time.

you stood up quickly and just smiled at him as you were still embarassed by what happened seconds ago

But girl, shit he's staring at your face YOUR FUCKING FACE

You thought

"what can I get you, sir?" you cut his gaze and ask him what he'll order 

"I'll just grab some iced americano" he answered still looking at you, like he knew you but can't remember who exactly you are? Of course

He was in a coma

you were getting a tensed by now as he is just looking at you as you make the coffee and you feel like he's judging you

So to lessen the tension you just asked him "do you want a design on it??"

"What?? I thought lattes are the ones who could only have designs??!" He exaggeratedly said

"Silly, I can make anything, i'm an artist, so just say the word i'll make it for you" you laughed, it was the old silly him, his attitude was still the same as always the silly dumb Jungcock you've known since then

"Uhh.... I'll just have a rabbit, that should be fine" he said giving you a reassured smile

You smiled back at him and made a cute lil rabbit fondant and placed it on the lid of the cup

there we're a lot of girls by the window who was frantically screaming like they saw a ghost, poor them



You gave him his Iced americano together with the bunny 

"your total amount is.....4 dollars" you said and gave him a smile

"Nice rabbit tho" he said as he gives you his credit card

"here's your credit card, sir" you said and smiled at him, not just a normal smile a BIG, a REALLY BIG smile

Deja Vu (Jungkook x Y/N) SHORT STORY // Complete (Under Work)Where stories live. Discover now