Chapter 22

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It's been two weeks since I've talked to her. Since I've heard her voice. Since I've seen her face. Since I've touched her skin. Since I've smelt her perfume. Since I've tasted her kiss. Two weeks.

She walked out the door and that's the last I saw of her, well besides school. She avoids me in the hallways. She won't even look at me in class, and if she does, she looks right through me, like I'm transparent.

After Camilla found out- well, Lily too- things haven't felt right. I've text her, and she won't respond. I've called her and she won't pick up. I've even gone to her house but she'll act like she's not home, even though her car is in the driveway.

Lily on the other hand wouldn't stop talking. She was constantly telling me how I messed up, or how I was messed up in the head for dating Camilla. She gave me a big lecture saying Camilla wouldn't want to date me, and she was only doing it to get to Lily.

"You're quiet today," Lily spoke up. We were sitting in our usual spot during lunch, while I was lost in thought. I didn't respond.

"Well, you're quiet all the time. Is something going on at home?"

I looked at her, with disbelief in my eyes, How could she be so naive about this situation. I shook my head, still not responding to her questions.

I look inside the cafeteria windows, where the rest of the school is. I'm back at my starting point, with Lily; on the outside looking in. My eyes latch onto something, and it's her, of course with Niall by her side. I look at my wrist. "Camilla" is printed on a brown leather band. I twist it around so the letters are face up.

"Harry, you need to stop," Lily speaks up. She obviously saw what I was staring at. "And take that fucking bracelet off."

"You don't get it Lily."

"No, I do get it. This is just another phase you're going through."

"What do you mean another?" I spit out.

She laughed. "Don't play stupid. You know what I'm talking about."

I turned to her. "No, I don't. So tell me."

"Remember Claire and Emily? Or Charlotte? Does Hailey ring a bell?"

"I liked Hailey," I added in.

"But the rest?" Lily said, letting the question linger in the air. I didn't respond. "Exactly. You were lonely because you lost Kayla, and you went through that phase of getting whatever you could get. That's what Millie was. You're lucky I'm still your friend for you going behind my back like that."

I shook my head. "You're wrong. Camilla and I were dating for almost a month. It wasn't a phase."

"Stop calling her Camilla!" She demanded. "You were just lonely."

"No, Lily, I wasn't lonely. I am now, because you practically broke up with my girlfriend for me. Because, for some strange reason, you don't want to see me happy," my voice starts to raise.

"You weren't happy with her, you were happy with Kayla."

"Was happy. She's gone now Lily god damn it why can't you accept that and move on with your life! I have! I tried, I was trying to. Kayla would want us to move on and look forward. I know she'd want me to be happy, but you had to take that away from me."

"Fucking hell, Harry. I didn't force you to leave her. I told you to choose."

"Now, I'm thinking I made the wrong decision." I stood up.

"Oh, did you now?" She stood up as well.

"You know what, I know I made the wrong decision. I'm sick and tired of not being able to move on with your life because you're just bringing yourself down, and me. Get over yourself Lily, and finally fucking move on with your life." I started to walk away.

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