"Thank you for granting your permission." I realized then I hadn't let go of Miss Darkin's hand and did so immediately. "Thank you, Miss Darkin, for your help with this situation. It cannot be how you expected to spend your time in the country."

"Very true," she said in a distracted way. I followed her gaze to where Phoebe and Miles were exchanging their goodbyes. I cleared my throat as I focused back on Miss Darkin as she continued, "At least this will keep things interesting."

An awkward silence fell between us. "I hope you find picturesque scenes to sketch while you are here," I said, nodding at her sketchbook. "A few places are pretty enough, but they are not easy to find."

I was babbling. Why was I talking about scenery? She blushed prettily and held the sketchbook behind her back. "I'm sure I will," she said. Her smile became coy, and she arched an eyebrow. "Is that a hint you would be the one to show me where these places can be found, Mr. Bywood?"

Clearing my throat again, I tugged at my coat sleeve. "Yes?"

She laughed and stepped away. "I think you will have to remember that you are courting my friend, Mr. Bywood." She raised her voice to call out, "Phoebe, I think we both need our breakfasts now. And your mama will be wondering where we are if we do not return soon."

With reluctance, Phoebe moved away from Miles, her hand slipping from his with each step she took. She sent a dark glare at me as she went passed me. When had I become the bad person? I bowed with mock formality in her direction, but her back was already to me, and she didn't see it. She would have been even angrier if she had.

Spinning on my heel, I found Miles staring after the two ladies, an expression of longing on his face. I smacked his arm to get his attention. I hadn't forgotten his actions had played a part in this mess. "Come on, you have some explaining to do, Miles, and it better be good."


We were halfway to the Hall before Miles finally slowed his mount to a walk. I remained beside him, waiting until he said, "I don't have the ring."


He shifted his gaze to me, a serious expression on his face. "It's a tradition in my family, Luke. I made a point to acquire my grandmother's ring from my father to propose, but now I don't have it, and I have to get it back before I can speak to Phoebe. I would be disowned if I were to break with tradition."

Just when I thought things couldn't be more ridiculous, this happens. "Are you serious? How did you lose it?"

"I didn't exactly lose it." His expression held guilt. He cleared his throat a couple of times before he said, "I used it as security on a gambling debt."

Reaching over, I grabbed his arm. "You did what? Of all the irresponsible... Why haven't you paid the debt and taken back the ring?"

"Don't you think I've tried? He refuses to see me!"

"So you're telling me before you can propose to Phoebe, you have to get back a family heirloom you used as collateral for a game of cards," I said slowly. He nodded, and I heaved a sigh. "Who were you playing with?"

"John Lamotte, your sister in law's brother."

The man who was keeping George and Rosamund in the Hall instead of having their own home. "Then, there should be no problem. A gentleman would never refuse payment for a gambling debt. We will speak to him together. Who were you playing with at the time? If need be, we can bring them here to resolve the matter."

Miles shook his head. "It was just the two of us by the time I lost to him. Everyone else had quit for the night."

Stableboys ran to take Phaeton and Miles' horse. I dismounted and started for the house. Miles hurried to keep up with me. "Luke, where are you going? Why won't you say anything?"

Not My Idea (A Gentleman of Misfortune Book One (Rough Draft))Where stories live. Discover now