The Decision

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(Undertaker's POV)

What did she just do? I asked myself as I watched her skip away from me. No I will not allow this to happen. She thinks that she has the upper hand but she does't know the full extent of what I can do, but what can I do to her? She's already a part of me and she barely knows what could happen when she fully uncovers what she can do. Until then I need to figure out how to keep her by my side at all times ... I think I have the perfect idea. I haven't marked her fully. When she's fully marked she will only be able to control herself when I want her to. She will be mine forever but I have to trick her into doing it. I close my eyes and reach for her mind and when I find it I open my mind up to her's to hear what she's thinking and see what she's doing.

"I have to go to Stephanie to see why she called me" She thinks, her thoughts ringing clear in my mind. I then check my surrounding in the locker room, thinking better of the location. I don't want anyone to see me doing this so I withdraw my mind from hers and scout out a new location. Even though whenever the others see me they will only turn the other way, I still want to be safe when all of this goes down.

I walk around the building looking for a darker, secluded place when no one will ever think of going. When I realize that I can't find anything. My frustration begins to kick in. I then channel that frustration and connect my mind to everyone else's mind and directed them all to the cafeteria and kept them there. I then made my way back to the locker room satisfied with what I chose to do. I then reach out for Y/N's mind again and tune in to the conversation she's having to herself.

I then call out her name in my mind and hers gaining her attention. I know that I've already told her that our minds are connected so I don't know why she's confused. She then continues to walk on and I hear her think that she was just hearing things.

I didn't mean for it to but that really pissed me off and I said her name louder to where I know that she knows it's me. My anger got the best of me and I'll admit it, but I know how to get her attention. I then create an image of me standing at the back of the arena far from her but I make sure that my purple eyes show keeping her in place and making her focus on one thing while I'm walking towards her location. I knew that I had her completely occupied when she kept talking to my thoughts and never moved from where she was. I then reached her location, her outfit modeled after my ring gear and her eyes distant and glowing a faint purple.

"What happened earlier?" my voice grumbled, as I took her out of the illusion, and as she realized that I was actually there in front of her.

"What do you mean?" she asked, unable to turn her face away from me.

"Why did you skip away from me? Why are you playing games with me?" I asked, leaning closer to her face.

"Don't answer that I love what your doing." I said suddenly, getting even closer to her, "You're so beautiful, beautifully dangerous." I kiss her deeply, so deep my teeth end up clashing against hers. I then bite her lip and she gasps allowing me the opportunity to push my tongue into her mouth.

I then proceed to do what I wanted to do. I then push my energy into her and then hear her scream out in pain. I then cover her mouth and soothe her to be quiet by holding her with my other hand.

"Ssshh. You gave me no other choice other than to completely make you mine." I draw back from her my eyes glowing purple.

"Now no one can take you away from me."That I know was the last thing that she heard before she passed out.

I took her in my arms and walked down the corridor back to the locker room. I checked to make sure that everyone was still in the cafeteria, when I saw that they were, I sealed off the locker room door and reached out for Stephanie's mind, she was still in a meeting so I decided to just console her later. I don't have a match until next week so I did't really have to stay here and neither did Y/N. I then looked down at her limp form and saw how peaceful she looked. I then teleported us out of the building back to the hotel to let Y/N rest and let the transformation happen as quickly as possible.

When I laid her out on the hotel bed, I started to observe her figure again. Her breathing was steady but barely noticable. I saw my energy traveling through her veins, arteries, and capillaries because they were shining a neon purple through her skin. My symbol was forming right behind her left ear, and I started thinking about how she'll be when she wakes up. I know that she'll be weak because she has to get used to her transformation but after that she should be fine. I stroked her face, moving the hair out of her eyes.

"I did this so you would have nothing to worry about" I said to her sleeping form quietly.

"No one will ever hurt you again"

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