What Happened?

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I saw that retched guy wink at (Y/N) and I also saw him look her up and down. He's gonna pay for that. I thought. When I saw him leave that was my opportunity to take action.

"I'll be back." I told (Y/N). I got up then followed the waiter. To an empty storage closet. I got behind him slammed the door and turned on the one light bulb in there.

"So you like to hit on girls that already have a date?"I asked in a deadly calm voice.

"I-I'm s-s-" he started but a box of cans hit him in the stomach. He coughed and had a pained expression on his face.

"Now when you go back to serve us  I don't want you to even have a trace of a smile, am I clear?" I asked pushing him into the back wall.

"Y-yes!" He squeaked. I pulled him towards the door.

"Good now come back out 3 minutes after I left, got it?" I asked. He nodded his head quickly. And I left to go back to our table.

When I got seated he came looking shaken up. He took our orders and when he ran from the table he fell down unconscious from the box that was thrown at him.

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