"I'm sorry, Ai'Type" Techno said, squeezing his hands together as he glanced up at his friend again. "I know I'm not good at this, but I am trying to be better, I swear. You just have to bear with me for a while longer".

Type looked at him for a few seconds, his frown slowly dissapearing until a regretful expression was taking its place. He the sat down next to Techno, and circled his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. I hope you do your best this time, No. Or the team will not get anywhere like this".

No nodded, giving Type a half smile, being immediatelly returned by one from him.

"I promise!" Said No, his lips curving deeper until his eyes were barely visible.

Type laughed, rubbing No's hair.

"Good". He then stood up and pointed towards the field. "Better keep going, don't you think?".

Techno stood up quickly, his big smile still plastering his face. He was happy Type had given him another chance.

"Yes! Let's go, my friend. We have a few freshmen to scold".

& & &

Techno served the pinkish liquid inside the fancy glass, watching how every drop fell into it. When he was finished, he took out a little umbrella from under the bar and placed it inside of it as well.

"Here you go, girl" he said, offering the drink to the pretty second-year girl that was seductively smiling up at him from behind the counter. "Hope you enjoy it".

The girl laughed softly, covering her lips with her thin fingers, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks.

"Thanks" she said, and took the glass. "I'm sure I will, coming from such a good looking bartender".

Techno's cheeks reddened at the compliment, and he scratched the back of his neck nervously as he grinned back at her.

"What a charmer you are".

The girl pushed back her long hair and took a sip of her drink, her eyes never leaving No.

"Only when I want to".

And with a wink, she turned around to go back to her group of friends, who were sitting in the corner of the place. When she arrived, a loud cheer could be heard as her friends told her something while sneakily -or so they thought it was- glancing at Techno from time to time.

No laughed awkwardly as he moved to the next customer. He had never been good at this types of interaction, hence the fact that he had only kissed one person in his entire life, that being when he was barely 15 years old. He still remembered the awkwardness of the moment, himself trying to seem cool and relaxed as he kissed her while only coming off as inexperienced and stupid. He was pretty sure the girl had told mostly everyone at school what a lousy kisser he was and that was why he hadn't had anymore girlfriends ever since. College was different, with new people and a brand new possibility as being whoever he wanted to be. He soon realised, though, that it was all a lie. He could not be anyone he wanted, Techno could only be himself, he didn't know any other way to be. He sometimes saw people being fake and doing stuff to try to fit in with the crowd, but for No that was almost impossible.

No could't lie to save his own life.

So now he was here, in his third year of college, with only the memory of one lousy kiss in his experience list. Techno knew this was strange for a guy his age, as mostly everyone had already done way more than just kissing, but what could he do? Techno was not faking anything, he could't do it, he didn't like to do it. He had hope he would find someone in the future who would not mind his inexperience, who would be willing to give him time to learn. He was still young, after all, he had a whole life ahead of him.

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